Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Black fungus , Red Fungus, Yellow Fungus --- Does Ayurveda have answers...

Hello dear Friends,

I hope you and family are safe, healthy and fit. 

Covid 19  - Corona Virus had many changes, mutational repercussions, etc. The WHO, the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the so called Modern Medicine Fielders, etc are just. Few 150 - 200 years old or less than that. 

They are just doing trials to combat the Pandemics. However, due to pressure, the Indians, who have their Vast Time - tested Knowledge of Traditional Ayurveda scriptures, are feeling helpless...

However, I have witnessed that including all Medical Fraternity together, the Ayurvedic Vaidyas have proven that Any type of Black, Red or Yellow fungi can be treated with our Ayurveda. 

The best part is that the whole world is watching India as to how, they are dealing with this situations. Though not much recognition is given, for obvious reasons, but dedicated Ayurvedic Physicians in many parts of India especially Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra have been able to treat Black fungus, even in medium stage conditions..

Our ancestors, saints have blessed us with solutions of Healthy Lifestyle, Traditional Natural herb Medication and wonderful treatments, already over a period of time.

It may be a biological war or Man created Fungus or whatever, Indians till their last breath have solutions for Whole Mankind with Great Epics, Scriptures and Resources. We are so fortunate and blessed that it is not just a boon for us Indians, but the whole Mankind....

Therefore, it just time to Revisit to our Roots and Make Earth sustainable and Surviving for all living beings harmoniously...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Eyes and Body Health & Vice Versa

 Hi Friends,

It is quite a break that I could not post anything on my blogspaces... But now I am back.

The topic may seem weird right?!

Well, I just visited an unique Eye hospital. What was unique about it, you will come to know at the end.. 

Unique Eye Hospital in Kutch

I had some small allergic irritation, so visited the doctor. It was situated in no metropolitan cities, but in Kutch, Gujarat.

My Experience at the Eye Hospital

Normally, elsewhere, my eyes would be checked and some eye drops prescribed accordingly. However, here, the experience was different.. 

This young Ophthalmologist first checkedy eyes thoroughly in a machine. He said it was basic allergic irritation. I told him I kept getting this often.

His assistant had previously taken my brief Medical history.. Yes, you heard it right, an eye hospital and Medical history been taken. I was impressed, but confused as to why it was required....

Then, the counselor at the Doctor, according to the instruction of the doctor, explained me the correlation of Body health on eyes and vice versa... 

I was shocked to know at this unique Integrative Eye Hospital, where Ayurveda played a major role in treatment.

Well, the doctor said the reoccurring allergic irritation were due to some body Pitta Humor in my body and my consitpation.

Can you ever imagine that my issue in body elsewhere had impact on my eyes !!?😳 The doctor told the drops would give me relief temporarily.. I was advised to treat my constipation and overall Pitta of body.

You won't believe, after some weeks of treatment, I could find the difference. 

The counselor at the hospital told me 70 % of eye issues can be due to overall issues in the body. Not all require pure eye treatment. I learnt that there was a branch in Ayurveda that dealt with only Eyes called Shalakya...

My purpose to share this small experience is to promote Ayurvedic Ophthalmology so both our Body Health and Eye Care is taken care of, with ease.

It was an informative session. I learnt that Like every body part, eye also gets impacted by overall Health of the body. Any issues in the body do have impact on the health of eyes.

 I saw that Glaucoma, allergy, Diabetic Retinopathy, and many such eye diseases could be treated with an Integrated approach. So a comprehensive Medical History and daily routine of the patient helps to rectify that issue, which in turn cured the eyes problem.