Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Social media and mental health

 Pros n Cons of Social Media .. Enjoy the Process ::

Many Scientists, doctors have proved the Social Media Gazing Impacts on one's Mental Well being due to immense exposure to Harmful Radiations. 

Let's see the Pros of Social Media and ways to keep mind sane.

Benefits of Cow dung chips :: Radiation is the major reason diagnosed by Psychologists. Use Cow dung chips on phones or gadgets that nullified the radiation.

Decrease the Screen time as much as possible and Follow the 20:20:20 rule

Understand as to why you want to use Social Media

Avoid unnecessary watching or being present on social media.

Understand the importance of your eyes.

Rampant Advanced Eye diseases :: Science has made many advancements, but today we are seeing advanced Eye diseases rampant especially in youth

Allocate time for Social Media :: One requires Stress Busters or Break from work, some social media videos, vlogs are meant only for that entertainment. So don't make it a habit. Follow one or just a few and not the same herd of Video makers or Youtubers delivering the same content. 

Be Real to Be Away from the UNREAL :: Include outdoor games, trips, trekking, in your daily lifestyle; to remain close to Nature and the Real.

Utility of Social Media :: Understand that Social Media should be used either for your business presence, or entertainment and establish a connection with the followers or your idols

Do not get emotionally attached with the scenes, acts, videos so much that it creates mental imbalance or insecurity, negativity. 

Why Social Media is used by larger companies :: One should be aware of the Concept of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Money making platform of Social space like YouTube.

Wise Use of Social Media :: Understand the utility of all social media platforms. See which platform has more engagement, less negatives or Unreal/ fake news talks.

De-clutter Habit is best to keep sane. Unreal has to be made, whereas The Real always is Permanent. Social Media is Dynamic. One has to constantly keep updating. Imagine the clutter we collect in our gadget, Minds; and do we actually spend time to de-clutter the Bads of SocaIl Media waste.