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Thursday, July 16, 2020

When Face of God Changed ??? !!!! Lets See the Pros and Cons

Hello Friends,

A lot of news has been doing rounds about Big Medical Bills, Expensive Doctor, Doctor - no More A God, Patient - doctor Feuds and so on...

Rather than addressing to the Issues, lets first understand the Background of Medicine In India. I will not talk about whole Medical Industry worldwide...

A Brief History of Indian Medical System : -

Indian Medicine roots have been seen in the Era of Vedas in the form of Traditional Ayurveda. Also, in history, due to lot of invaders in India, we can find traces of Homoeopathy, Unani and Many more Medicinal herb therapies from Tibet, China, and many more.

I, very cautiously, would like to reiterate that Ayurveda should be called  the Mainstream Mode of Indian Medicine (Than Alternative Therapy). The sages (Rishi Munis) have done a lot of Rituals and Meditation, that they were able to discover the Indian lands full of Illustrious Medicinal herbs.

They had utilised the natural resources available, tested on themselves, made formulations in their Home-labs. This bond of human to nature and the process to unleash the Indian Herbs is said to be Divine. Medicines, thus, could be made cheaply available to public.

I am here to make ourselves realise the Root Cause and effect of Business In Medical Field....

Initially with the advent of Modern Medicine too, the doctors treated patients with limited medicines, which were very effective too, unlike today. Availability of Options has created lot of employment for growing population, easy reach to medicines, etc. The generic market has also added a good face to cheaper options of medicines. 

Still, below issues have been also cropped up -

  • As the times went by and Mankind connoted happiness to Money; Education, Medical profession and many more were made to go Money-minded.
  • The whole nexus of educational institutions, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and Govt. took a vicious turn. As India was gaining importance on the International platform, Urbanisation, Modernization were stealing the show.
  • Mankind went to discover things for its comfort and easy life. It forgot the essence to life with, for Nature. Resources were over utilised, human brain was under-utilised for Life enhancement of Mankind.
  • As education got expensive, imbalance of capital distribution in the community widened, need for one of its kind medical, industrial structures surfaced, the show-off approach in Indian mentality creeped in, all of these resulted in Monetization and Capitalist Professions.
  • When Money Was given the Position of Supreme Power or God, human lost its importance to this mere Material..
  • Competition and Cross- Pathies - intolerance amongst each other, has created myths, Opposition & Groupism, within doctor fraternity and scenario of Monopoly than focussing on Patient's Health first.
  • Doctors have also forgotten their Main motto towards result - based practice
  • Patients have also forgotten their role, with lot of information available on internet for a diseases, their convenience for health, compromise of lifestyle over excuses of current fast life.
  • Why Blame only the Doctors, Hospitals only???

If a Doctor can practise in a decent Home set - up, or commercial set-up, then why the need of the Taam-Jhaam (Fantasies). A doctor, even to run a small clinic today, finds it difficult to sustain the peer - competition, Quality improvement, meeting the exhorbitant costs of equipments, space for set-up, etc. It is now time for us to ask relevant questions to the system created by all of us. It's always a collective effort not individualistic. A Customer dependant market has its benefits and mishaps too
as well as system - dependant Working also ties hands of small - time doctors, patients, clinics, etc.

Those who are able to charge exhorbitantly, recover their costs, it's good for them. What about the legitimate and doctors with work-ethics, budding doctors with no Financial support or family backing. They have to give in to the Game of Money, loans, etc. 

I think, somewhere, we as humans, in the race to sustain, get fame and name, gain social status, etc., are equally responsible for the Business of Medical field or for that matter Teaching field, etc..


Guys, think like Responsible citizens and introspect, where are we heading for ?!!!😈😈😈


  1. Many aspects on Doctors and their services explored... Good.

  2. Many facets of Social & Psychological Health of Society have been mentioned by you.. superb!!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement... Hope I could put across my views effectively
