Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Keep Social Distance .... Does not mean Distance Socially...

Hello Friends,

In this Pandemic, we have heard this Word 'Social Distancing' so many times, that our brain now does not have to memorise it... It's a part and parcel of Life now.

Social Distance - Maintaining a distance of atleast 2 feet between 2 or more persons.

There are two groups : One who is so Aware and abides by norms and Second is, those who, despite repeated calls from all corners of the country, still, remain stubborn to not follow the rules strictly.

In both scenarios, there was  and is a necessity of constant Hammering of messages and maintaining an atmosphere of Caution (which People either have taken as Stress, fear or have chose to defy)

In all this drama, the monkey is very well taking away the opportunity to exploit both the scenarios of above two fighting Cats
On one hand, Govt. & Media is creating awareness, but on the other, the stress is also given. For that, psychological videos are also made and circulated amongst the citizen.

However, people have forgotten the norm of Social Distancing, and are Opting to distance oneself Socially by being

# Suspicious

# Distancing from being realistic, Empathetic and emotional for the Corona patients and their families

# Many illegal & Unethical Medical Practices, also have a major role in people getting to hide details

# Hence, it's a great responsibility of every human being, every society, every political party, every medical related person mutually, that has to understood and realised by all

# There is distancing seen, even in this Pandemic, amongst the Pathies (Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, etc) and Doctor fraternity. Why can't the pluses of every pathy be merged and given to public.

# The norm of Social Distancing is for benefit of all, but still, it is made an issue of caste, creed, country, and many such Coveted interests.

Nature has given such a beautiful opportunity in disguise, that can vanish away all evils from the world. But, no.... We are humans and we do not utilise our precious brains for such peaceful paths...

Hope, I could share my Pain with you all.. Do not Turn away yourself from others dealing with this Virus, but let's all deal this situation in a more Understanding and Pragmatic way, with full Awareness, Responsibility and Compassion....

I would like your views too, about this topic.. 

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