Hi all,
Hooe you all are doing good in these Pandemic times. It is very important to stay safe and fit.
A disease is caused due to some imbalance or inappropriate functioning in our body, bidy humors, etc.
A fit and healthy body requires constant servicing and maintenance to keep it going fine. I hope you will agree with it. Also, Do check out my previous Blog on Body Servicing - Panchkarma.. here's the link for the same https://healthfundastic.blogspot.com/2020/07/detox-program-ayurvedic-way.html
To treat a diseased body, you have to definitely take medicines, but Do you think it suffices your Body requirement totally.
Let me put out the following useful points, which I think will help yiu understand that Medicine is not the resort to treatment :-
# Here, medicines, I mostly refer to Any medicine except Modern Medicine. Since I am no&&t so pro for them to treat my issue from the root-cause of the disease.
# Just imagine, I take regularly my medicines as prescribed. And, I am still continuing to eat regular junk food or cold foods. Do you think, your disease will get cured fully??!
# I am a Pitta Person and take medicines, but still continue having Spicy food, Intake tea in more quantity, and do not do exercises, Do yiu think, I will have no Acidity problems??!
# I am a Vata Person, and sleep mostly in day time, consume stale food, cold foods, Do you think I will have my disease cured just with medicines??!
# I am a Kapha Person, an say I continue having Fridge water, Frozen foods, no exercises, Do yiu think, I will stay Slim and healthy, Just with medicines??!
# Imagine I sit the whole day in an Air-conditioned room without proper Ventilation or sit constantly under full speed fan, most of the time, with no physical activities, do you think just medicines will cure my future problem of cold, allergies, obesity, Orthopaedic problems??!
# I can give many such illustrations, however, hope the above points, Woukd keep you thinking logically, that just running to a doctor and taking medicines, without any corrections in your current lifestyle, food habits, fitness regime, yiu will not have eecurrent issues...
# Blaming a doctor that his medicines done work, is not the solutiin. Yiu have to also be accountable and taking charge of your Body and Life....
Hope a balance of Right Lifestyle, Good Diet & Fitness regimen, Understanding your Body requirements properly, Good Sleep, Peaceful Mindset and Proper Daily Routine, alingwith Timely Correct Medications will help you a better life ahead...
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