Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Black fungus , Red Fungus, Yellow Fungus --- Does Ayurveda have answers...

Hello dear Friends,

I hope you and family are safe, healthy and fit. 

Covid 19  - Corona Virus had many changes, mutational repercussions, etc. The WHO, the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the so called Modern Medicine Fielders, etc are just. Few 150 - 200 years old or less than that. 

They are just doing trials to combat the Pandemics. However, due to pressure, the Indians, who have their Vast Time - tested Knowledge of Traditional Ayurveda scriptures, are feeling helpless...

However, I have witnessed that including all Medical Fraternity together, the Ayurvedic Vaidyas have proven that Any type of Black, Red or Yellow fungi can be treated with our Ayurveda. 

The best part is that the whole world is watching India as to how, they are dealing with this situations. Though not much recognition is given, for obvious reasons, but dedicated Ayurvedic Physicians in many parts of India especially Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra have been able to treat Black fungus, even in medium stage conditions..

Our ancestors, saints have blessed us with solutions of Healthy Lifestyle, Traditional Natural herb Medication and wonderful treatments, already over a period of time.

It may be a biological war or Man created Fungus or whatever, Indians till their last breath have solutions for Whole Mankind with Great Epics, Scriptures and Resources. We are so fortunate and blessed that it is not just a boon for us Indians, but the whole Mankind....

Therefore, it just time to Revisit to our Roots and Make Earth sustainable and Surviving for all living beings harmoniously...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Eyes and Body Health & Vice Versa

 Hi Friends,

It is quite a break that I could not post anything on my blogspaces... But now I am back.

The topic may seem weird right?!

Well, I just visited an unique Eye hospital. What was unique about it, you will come to know at the end.. 

Unique Eye Hospital in Kutch

I had some small allergic irritation, so visited the doctor. It was situated in no metropolitan cities, but in Kutch, Gujarat.

My Experience at the Eye Hospital

Normally, elsewhere, my eyes would be checked and some eye drops prescribed accordingly. However, here, the experience was different.. 

This young Ophthalmologist first checkedy eyes thoroughly in a machine. He said it was basic allergic irritation. I told him I kept getting this often.

His assistant had previously taken my brief Medical history.. Yes, you heard it right, an eye hospital and Medical history been taken. I was impressed, but confused as to why it was required....

Then, the counselor at the Doctor, according to the instruction of the doctor, explained me the correlation of Body health on eyes and vice versa... 

I was shocked to know at this unique Integrative Eye Hospital, where Ayurveda played a major role in treatment.

Well, the doctor said the reoccurring allergic irritation were due to some body Pitta Humor in my body and my consitpation.

Can you ever imagine that my issue in body elsewhere had impact on my eyes !!?😳 The doctor told the drops would give me relief temporarily.. I was advised to treat my constipation and overall Pitta of body.

You won't believe, after some weeks of treatment, I could find the difference. 

The counselor at the hospital told me 70 % of eye issues can be due to overall issues in the body. Not all require pure eye treatment. I learnt that there was a branch in Ayurveda that dealt with only Eyes called Shalakya...

My purpose to share this small experience is to promote Ayurvedic Ophthalmology so both our Body Health and Eye Care is taken care of, with ease.

It was an informative session. I learnt that Like every body part, eye also gets impacted by overall Health of the body. Any issues in the body do have impact on the health of eyes.

 I saw that Glaucoma, allergy, Diabetic Retinopathy, and many such eye diseases could be treated with an Integrated approach. So a comprehensive Medical History and daily routine of the patient helps to rectify that issue, which in turn cured the eyes problem.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Spiritual Health...

 Hi dear friends,

Hope you are all doing good. We should all remain fit and healthy always. Today's Pandemic especially have seen people talking about Physical Health, mental health; but it is equally important to look on Spiritual Health side too.

Do you agree that there should be a sync in brain, Soul and Body? The overall sound health of three keeps u pumped up. However, I have seen the strong Will Power and Sound Spiritual Health boosts your Energy, even if you may be ill...

Spiritual Health is not related to being religious or following religion virtues. 

What actually is Spiritual Health ???

The well-being of your Ojas (inner spark), the inner peace despite any turbulance outside, the sync of True Self with the Natural Being and being in it, is Spiritual Health. 

Is Spiritual Health similar to Mental Health?

Mental health, today is connoted to brain and the state or well - being of the mind.

Whereas, Spiritual Health is the well being of your conscience and the closeness to your Soul.

What can one do to maintain or correct the Spiritual Health?

1. Manah-swachhata (cleaniness of mind / Decluttering Mind)

2. Awareness and Being Alert of Present, Self, Surroundings and remain in co-existence.

3. Faith in the Faith... (Confused) Well there should in general Faith in everything..

4. Try to clear and focused. Also try to bring oneness in thoughts, your actions and your talks.

5. Meditation helps to keep mind calm.

6. Practising Meditation helps in enhancing spiritual health more. One such is Vipasana.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Ayurved at its best...

 Hi viewers,

The whole world is fearful of the word CORONA / COVID 19. Is it right??

Ask yourself where we committed blunders knowingly - unknowingly.. What has been our contribution for a Healthy Planet and Healthy Us ?!

Anyways, a ray of hope, in this doom and gloomy atmosphere, Human race has its Ace Card still...!!! Ancient Traditional Medical Science.. Yes. Be it India's Ayurveda, China - Tibet's Ancient Medicine and many such streams of Medicine... All are Nature's blessings for a disease and a boon by the wise sages who explored and gave this wonderful science to Mankind...

However, most fools dont agree with it out of Ego, Ignorance or many don't have time to devote their rushing life for a Healthy Lifestyle. 

It's not Ayurveda vs Any Medicine or Modern Medicine. Ayurveda is a Wholesome Medical Science in its own. So it can't be a competition to any medicine. Modern Medicine is just pure Medicine of chemicals and Advanced Medical Equipments.. So how can Ayurvedic Science and Modern Medicine be Comparable? Yeah, they can just be Complementary!!!

The world knows 80% Covid patients are Mild, Asymptomatic or Moderately affected. Whereas out of rest 20%, it is only 5-7% which is critically affected....!!! Strange, then why is India struggling today ???!!


Ayurveda has wonderful results in Treating Covid patients. It is high time now that Modern Medicine comes together with Ayurveda and treats the patients correctly. It is now just not treating patients, but also correcting lifestyle....

If we don't understand the urgency, then this is still one fourth of the movie Nature is showing us....

Hope we get the best aid and all are safe and sound.. take care

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Detox of mind

Hello Friends,

Toxins are harmful to body. In layman language, they are bad acids formed in body, that causes health imbalance.

In my previous posts, I have written on Detox plans, Detox of body, but today, I shall focus on Mind Detoxification....

Body Health is made of Physical, mind and Spiritual Health.

In todays developed times, major health issues are related to heart, brain, cancer, diabetes, thyroid, etc.

Why is this so ???? One major reason being Erratic Lifestyle, Fast life without periodic rest -breaks, and other important one being Stress...

With physical body Detox, it is important that we talk about Mental Detox or Mindful Cleaning of the Mind....

The intellect side of humans has developed immensely over the period, but the health of mind or intellectual health has deteriorated...

Issues leading to Toxins in Mind, brain :-

# Stress 

# Over use of Brain 

# Greed and Fear 

# Mad rush behind Earning Money 

# Imbalance in Natural Surroundings 

# Constant thinking and work without Required rest to mind 

# Nuclear Family 

# Broken Relationships, intolerance 

# Absence of Spiritual connect within and the Cosmos 

# Erratic Lifestyle 

# Pause in rushing Life 

# No communication 

The list can go on, but now, let's see the Solution to Detox the Mind ... They are :- 

* Listen to your mind and body, whenever they ask for rest and proper care.

* Daily exercise, Pranayam and meditation.

* Being Aware and alert towards Self.

* De-clutter the mind with unnecessary thoughts, anxiety, fear by communication, writing down the complexes, taking charge of mind.

* Calming the mind with whatever you want to do like Listening to music, pursuing one's hobbies, meditation, praying, concentrating on your breathe, being in & with  Nature, etc 

* Talking to some confidante, so you may find a resolution sometimes.

* Sometimes Non-violent Communication helps in avoiding anger, fear, etc.

* Proper Medical guidance or Counselling, whenever required.

* Not a single human is same in looks or attributes. Unleash your liking, positive and strengthen it more 

* Proper Planning of things, to avoid stress and last minute rush.

* Sit down with oneself for atleast 10-25 minutes daily, and write down the thoughts, strengths, weakness, fears, and work gradually upon the shortcomings...

* Every human can do mistakes, but see to it to learn from them and repeat them again.

* No human is perfect, until he is Self-enlightened one, so try to accept others' mistakes and short comings too.

* Conversing and sorting out issues is the best way to avoid Stress...

Please mention in comments, if you relate to this post and also share with me, if you have any more solutions for Detoxifying the Mind ....

Corona may stay or Go but The fear must Go!!!

 Hello Friends,

Mankind has seen so many phases of evolution since it's existence. Today the world is facing threat from a Virus Pandemic...

Whole Earth has many bacteria, viruses . I believe the situation we are in, is a outcome of our mis-doings only.

Whether, this virus is human-planted or just come naturally; we should focus on the Present now.

The fear of death, uncertainty is the worst untolerated emotion in this millenium than ancient times. 

It's such an irony that we ignored the Nature warning bells, with fearless and care-free approach did harm to our own planet, and now when the death bells are being heard loudly around, we get fearful...

It's a known fact that only 5% of the Covid positive cases get critical. So the rest can be managed with correct guidance, lifestyle, proper rest and medication.

However, the more mistakes we committed, is to take this Pandemic episode as a one - off case, and living our lives same as before....

The statistics above is to give respite to all that it is must for us to conquer over our Fear; and deal with the situation in a happy way, following all guidelines properly and correcting the Wrong Lifestyle...

Seeing the situation, most of them are talking, that corona Virus may be a Common affair for ahead times. So let's learn, re-learn without Fear and Anxiety...

Stay Safe...

Stay happy...

Stay Fearless...

Have faith...

Be tolerant...

Take rest whenever necessary...

Hit the Pause button whenver required in our busy lives and give time to yourself...

Health is definitely Wealth....


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Business Ethics are same as Ethics in Medical Practice of Field???!!!

 Hi dear Friends,

The topic focusses on 3 things : 1. Business, 2. Ethics, 3. Medical Field.

Business is said to be work done in return for gains.

Ethics are rules or axioms to Right Conduct behaviourally, physically, mentally, in any facet of life. Simply put, they are Set Principles to be followed correctly.

Medical Field involves Medical Practice by Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacies, or any Medical related Staff.

Medical Field deals with Health care of Humans, or any living beings. So they deal Physical, mental and Spiritual Health of a Being.

Businesses deal with Monetary aspect. However, since, humans are involved in Business deals, Emotions and thus, Ethics have significance.


I think, therefore, there was a need to understand, form Ethics for anything.

Now, my purpose to write on this topic is to draw one's attention, that Human, Humanity, Happiness, counts more than anything. However, issue comes, when one fails to decipher the intention for Self and Others. 

The ground reality is that Every Human, I literally mean any and every Human does anything, for happiness. It's just that they do not know the Real Happiness or way to achieve that Real Happiness..

Hope I would get your views no2 on this topic.. Awaiting for your precious comments on the same....

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Plus 40 yrs, your body requires extra care !!!

 Hello People,

The body is developed over a period of 12-14 years of age. 

Every age requires a specific amount of Nutrition to keep the engine of the body smooth and running.

Many do reuire dosage of extra supplements even at a very young age, depending on their body, its system, the person's daily regimen,etc.

I have realised once a person is entering his / her 40s, require extra attention towards body-care.

In case you are consistently following an authentic and Balanced Daily Routine, you should be good in any age, except some sudden destiny-based issue...

Like an engine of a vehicle requires fixed servicing, for a smooth and long lasting working, our body system too requires periodic servicing and utter care.

In 40s, people can be prone to following situations :-

* Presbyopia 

* Diabetes

* Bone related problems like Arthritis, Sciatica, bone density issues, etc.

* Calcium deficiency 

* Gastro issues 

* Hormonal imbalance issues 

* For women, menstruation problems and men have their own issues 

* Teeth problems 

* Mental issues, if stressful Life 

* Many other age related issues, etc....

Let us know the various reasons for taking care after 40 years of age :-

1. The amount of work, stress done in adolescent age and the amount of nutrition taken to support the body,

2. Ignorance or lethargy towards Body fitness in young age 

3. Basic Body constitution of a person 

4. Exposure to sunlight 

5. The routine of a person waking up and going to bed.. Have we followed 'Early to bed and Early to rise ..... Wise' 

6. Amount of sleep with respect to work done or rather 'The rest given to body', whenever it required

7. The Diet one consumes 

8. Daily exercise or physical activities routine 

9. Proper intake of Nutrition, Minerals, Vitamins supplements, whenever required and depending on your fitness regimen 

10. Understanding the body system and taking the body as a system that needs care, periodic servicing.

11. Many more reasons that could be repetitive jn previous posts for healthy body, etc...

Take proper advice and be alert towards body. It is always to be in sync with nature and self. It helps increase Self Awareness and Awakening.... 

Stay Safe  Stay Healthy Stay Fit ......

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Are we doing Justice to Essential Element : : Water

 Hello My dear readers,

I am happy to share even the smallest of information and Real -Life expereince with you.

Air is an Important part or actually the Essential part of Life to Survive... Wait for a post in the same soon...

But, today I will talk about the 2nd Essential Part of Our life i.e WATER

You will find a lot of information on the Molecules, Atoms , Properties of Water. I am not boring you with that... I read, learnt and experimented live the interesting fact of Water. Kindly help yourself with actually trying and enjoying these True facts as follows :-

# It is important to maintain the Alkalinity of water to prevent Acidification due to pollution or Acid Rainwater

# Maintaining or first determining and Balancing the pH of water is important. 

# The hard the water, means more of pH and More of Acidic and Alkalinity. So it is important to treat Water to balance the Alkalinity and maintain good pH levels.

# My Fun Theory of W-A-T-E-R : Know the points in detail after this point

   W = What is Good Water for Survival?

   A  = Are You aware of the pH and Alkalinity of your Water Available?

   T  = Treat the Water in the best Natural way, maintaining its pure form.

   E  = Enjoy the Natural, pure Water from Mountains, Rains, Rivers, Stream, Lakes 

   R  = Require, then only drink 

# First W  is answered in above 3 points.

# Second A means, keep checking the pH levels in case of any change in taste, solubilities maintain Alkalinity of Water by not using HCL, but through Natural means of Ash, Sand and Limestone Particles

# Third - Treating Water..... Today RO is the solution to treat water. But the vitalities of water are actually not the same. Of course, if the TDS levels, Harder the water, it is better to get the water source tested and treated by today's methods.

However, Ayurved has mention of how the water resources should, what trees and herbs should be plants alongside, so water is retained, purified. 

Ayurved has also given solutions of first storing water in Copper vessels for more than 6-8 hours, so impurities settle and the water naturally becomes pure and the medical properties is good. There are various ways to change the flavour or heaviness of water molecules by putting certain medical herbs in the water vessel as per season, place.

# The best water is coming from mountains resources, rivers, rain water. The Alkalinity nisnalso maintained and it is full of necessary minerals that are good for our body. However, sometimes, according to our body constitution, we can treat the water and further doing away the unnecessary hard minerals, etc.

# Water quenches our thirst, helps in various Body systems. But, it is equally important to understand the fact, our body has 70 % of water element. So according to our body constitution, place of stay, seasons, age, we should have Correct Water Etiquettes and follow proper rules to drink Water, only when required....

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Heart - Also a Vital part of you... Its Valentine's Day.. so let's explore!!!

 Hi my Lovelies,

Every part of the body has its own importance and place. You can definitely say Nose is the most vital part as Air is required for Life.... Well, if you see, every body functioning is important and incomplete without any part.

Today is Valentine's Day, So I thought lets have a Heart to Heart Talk 👍♥️

To have a healthy life, keep your heart safe and to Have a peaceful life, give your mind a break from stress and keep your heart beautiful and full of love.

The following notes to keep your heart safe and sound :

1. Know Anatomy of your heart well. 

2. To keep the smooth functioning of your heart, de-stress yourself first, then keep a good check on your diet, oils used for cooking, vessesls used, water intake, regular Fitness regimen.

3. Do things that relaxes you, gives you happiness. A Peaceful mind keeps your Heart Happy!!!

4. You must have heard phrases like ' Listen to your Heart over your Brain', 'Heart feels Emotions, Brain experiences logics', 'Love, pain, Happiness, Sadness, is expereinced by Heart' etc.... 

So to experience Love, Listen to your heart and keep it fit.

5. Regular Pranayam helps respiratory system and avoids blockages in heart.

6. Have you heard your Heartbeat?! Its the best sound for me that signifies Life. Enjoy the pulse, the beats it reminds you being Alive 

7. There are wonderful Ayurvedic Medicinal herbs that are useful for keeping Heart Healthy and for Purification.

Have a great Valentine's Day and experience the Blissful Love within you and Love your Life by listening to the Heart beats and tune in to the Music of Love!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Marma Points - The Trigger Points


Over the period of time, Medical Science has discovered so many effective alternative therapies for treating the patient.

You may have heard of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sujok therapy, Neuro-therapy, Foot Reflexology, Needle Therapy, etc. 

Marma points mean the body trigger points or the nerves

There are many Exercises, Physio-therapies, that help maintain and keep your body healthy and fit.

However, man is definitely an intelligent Creation of Nature. He found out the ways and treatment procedure that can be more effective, if given on actual points of Pain or major to minor nerve endings or trigger points of feel, pain, heal.

The basic fundas of any Marma Therapy or therapies that work on Trigger points of the body are -

# Hand and Foot have lot of major and Minor Points that have effect to many parts of the body. When you locate those points and trigger it, it relives the pain in the respective part of the body.

# The body has fluids, nerve, its endings. When one locates the Marma Point of the body part that is in pain, the fluid gets balanced and the pain starts healing.

# The effective therapy can happen, if the therapist is well-versed with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human body.

# Since, a human body has five sensory organs too, it is important that one understand them thoroughly. Many Healing therapies of touch on the area of pain, sight to even a mere candle light flame, triggering ear points too, help to locate the Marma or Important points, that helps to treat and cure.

# Marma has many meanings, one of also being, the essence or the Sukshma. So, identifying the Sukshma, Important points helps to treat the disease faster than before, as it works on the fine point of pain in that particular body part.

Hence, find a good Marma Therapist or any good learned therpaist who is aware of your body and helps in curing...

It is my personal experience, Marma Therpy and also, the new form Neuro-therpay has given superb result in relieving from pain

Dry Ginger --- A boon to Mankind...

 Hi Friends,

In the ongoing Pandemic, Dry Ginger, has surfaced up to show the world its Importance.

In Ayurved, you will find Dry Ginger, Commonly known in India as Sunth, Sunthi, Saunth, has given the title of VishwaBheshaja, meaning World Medicine or Universal Medicine, as it is a boon to Mankind, to treat and prevent many diseases.

No doubt, in Covid Pandemic times, the usage of dry Ginger, has proven to be The Medicine for the World.

The medicinal properties of Dry ginger, even Fresh Ginger is immense and useful in many diseases. 

When there was no sign of Vaccination, Ayurved, Indian Ancient Medicial Science, came as a Rescue to mankind not just in the form of Dry Hinger, but many other Fantastic Medicinal herbs like Tulsi, Black Pepper, Turmeric, common spices found in any Indian Home, etc. 

It was my privilege to have read an article as to how Gujarat Ayurved University Ex Principal, help curb Corona or combat Corona Virus in Red Containment Zones, with Dry Ginger Powder Drive. Also, I worked under him, for a few months, and was awed by Ayurvedic Treasure Indian Saints have left behind for us Indians and also the Whole World..

Be in Cough, Diarrhea, Digestive health, Corona Virus, Headache, Nasal Blockage, Dry Ginger has lot of healing properties. 

Hope, we Indians atleast understand the importance of our Ayurvedic Texts and Medicinal herbs... I am so thankful to know about this wonderful World Medicine of Dry Ginger...

Eye for an Eye !!!


Eye is an important part of the body to see. The light on the retina reflected, helps the brain to capture images through receptor nerves of the eye and the Optic nerve.

So basically, the health of Retina, optic nerve, Cornea, the balance of the eye's Fluid helps to maintain the health of one's eye.

Today, Medical Science has developed over the period, and been able to replace organs, give a new lease of life to the patient with good surgeries, treatment and organs transplants or artificial organs oarts in some parts of the body.

India has religious background, and on that context, people have become aware and opt for organ donation for betterment of someone else.

It is rampant in India in the wake of Advancements, Awareness and Eye Blindness, that people opt for booking eye donations in the eye Banks much before their death. It is religiously said to be a boon to donate body organs on death, so they can be helpful to mankind, evenafter their death...

So, Eye for eye is,on human grounds, such a viable option to justify your humanity towards society.

There are many Eye Banks available today, and you should be a part of this drive to book your Eye Donation or for that matter Body Organs Donations, for a better vision and Life to others.

And for that its also important, that you keep your own body health, so it can be helpful to others, even at the time of your death...

The reason to share this is, India has a rich Culture of Religion and Rendering help and servcie to society. Hope the World humans also get aware of such kindness and be of help to mankind....!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A whistle like sound in your ears ?!


Have you ever heard a whistle's sound.. I am sure you would have..😀

But, have you ever, had a whistle like sound ringing in your ears without actually a whistle being around??? Oh yes, you have..

I would like to share a piece of information I heard in situations like this... 

You must have heard about Vata as in used in Ayurved (Air element of Humor in our body)

Not yet ... Then check out my blog on Humors of the body

Sometimes, when there is pressure or air stuck in ears (Vata) , could be due to cold, taking direct fan air always, congestion of air blocks and water content in your ears (Kapha) can cause this whistling sound in ears...

It is always better to take advice of an authentic Ayurvedic Doctor, when you face such problems... It is good to listen to your body. It gives you signals as to something is right or wrong going on within your Body system...

We tend to ignore the signals or just take medicines to correct it... It is always better to understand the root cause and work on it.

Nasal drops, covering ears with Ayurvedic Ear Oil soaked cotton and then some scarf, avoiding direct Fan or Air conditioner over the head, putting special oil in belly to release the gas formed in the body, etc are some of the common remedies suggested by a doctor...

Check this below link too ::

Can your body be an object to Meditate!!!!

Hello Friends,

In these fast times, there is a need for Meditation to relax and hit that Pause button is the rushing life. There are many ways and types of Meditation.

It is my luck to have come across such good people to help me theough my Meditative Journey. 

Object Meditation - For Concentration, Meditative Practises, it is great to choose an object to meditate on. It build your focus, stability power. As I keep moving places, its always difficult to find an object like Om Picture, an Idol of worship, for meditation. 

Of course, initial phase of Mediation with Focus on Breathing Pattern is great. I.e Prana or Air became the object of Meditation.

Similarly, in last 5 years, I came across a great Meditative object, that is with me always... I.e. My own Body... Surprised. I was always surprised to know about it...

However, this wonderful practice after my many years of Meditation, unfold the mysteries of my body, emotions and Mind...

Cyclical Meditation is the name given by a well known Institute of Yoga in Bengaluru, where I came across this wonderful Meditative Practice.

Cyclical means there are steps of Meditation taught in this style where, body gies thriugh a cycle of focus, meditative state with standing, supine positions..

The level of Self-Awareness, the Experience of Darkness with its Calm Silence, the Sync of Mind with Body and Soul are some of the benefits through this tyoe of Meditation...

I hope this short useful blog will help you in your Meditative Journey...

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Medicines the only resort for treatment??!!!

 Hi all,

Hooe you all are doing good in these Pandemic times. It is very important to stay safe and fit.

A disease is caused due to some imbalance or inappropriate functioning in our body, bidy humors, etc.

A fit and healthy body requires constant servicing and maintenance to keep it going fine. I hope you will agree with it. Also, Do check out my previous Blog on Body Servicing - Panchkarma.. here's the link for the same

To treat a diseased body, you have to definitely take medicines, but Do you think it suffices your Body requirement totally.

Let me put out  the following useful points, which I think will help yiu understand that Medicine is not the resort to treatment :-

# Here, medicines, I mostly refer to Any medicine except Modern Medicine. Since I am no&&t so pro for them to treat my issue from the root-cause of the disease.

# Just imagine, I take regularly my medicines as prescribed. And, I am still continuing to eat regular junk food or cold foods. Do you think, your disease will get cured fully??!

# I am a Pitta Person and take medicines, but still continue having Spicy food, Intake tea in more quantity, and do not do exercises, Do yiu think, I will have no Acidity problems??!

# I am a Vata Person, and sleep mostly in day time, consume stale food, cold foods, Do you think I will have my disease cured just with medicines??!

# I am a Kapha Person, an say I continue having Fridge water, Frozen foods, no exercises, Do yiu think, I will stay Slim and healthy, Just with medicines??!

# Imagine I sit the whole day in an Air-conditioned room without proper Ventilation or sit constantly under full speed fan, most of the time, with no physical activities, do you think just medicines will cure my future problem of cold, allergies, obesity, Orthopaedic problems??!

# I can give many such illustrations, however, hope the above points, Woukd keep you thinking logically, that just running to a doctor and taking medicines, without any corrections in your current lifestyle, food habits, fitness regime, yiu will not have eecurrent issues... 

# Blaming a doctor that his medicines done work, is not the solutiin. Yiu have to also be accountable and taking charge of your Body and Life....

Hope a balance of Right Lifestyle, Good Diet & Fitness regimen, Understanding your Body requirements properly, Good Sleep, Peaceful Mindset and Proper Daily Routine, alingwith Timely Correct Medications will help you a better life ahead...


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Mental Health is different from Spiritual Health???!!!

Dear All,

Health can be Physical, Mental and Spiritual..

The phase, currently I am, going through, bought me to this topic... 

Have you ever found yourself in midst of mountain of Mental and Emotional Trauma?

Have you ever lost the actual Composed self of yours, in any untoward situation?

Have you ever felt, I am so spiritually calm and meditative person, then why is it all happening with me?

These situations take your life at such a stage, that you are caught unaware, as to, what went wrong, how, when and why it happened to you... 

Now, with more Self Introspection, one will find the following differences :-

* When you know that mind is calm, but something inside you pinches 

Or, When you know that Mind is unstable (not in the sense retarded), but you stay calm within,

That is the Big answer stating Mental and Spiritual health are different and Mind is different than Your Voice within

* The intellect part is the mind that does analysis, judges, studies, responds, reacts, but, there is one part within you, that helps you, guides you towards the correct, relates you to Natural boundaries of our soul, and this is exactly the Spiritual Part (dealing with yiur actual Being, Self, Soul)

* The Basic Understanding and Values Based part of you helps you maintain and develop one's Spiritual Health... This health is maintained with Meditation, Understanding, Constant Self Introspection, Evaluation and Revaluation.

Whereas, The Mental Health is maintained by Physical Health, listening to Spiritual Health, Communication, Work, De-stress Exercises....

* The next time, you get edgy, always see that your physical health is good and remember that your Being, The Spiritual Self, is always good only....

Hope, this write-up is good and beneficial. I would like your comments in the same...

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Ghee : A Boon or A Hazard to health?!!!

 Hi Friends,

Ghee is a clarified version of processed butter after a detailed procedure from Fermented Milk cream. 

Today Ghee is available in markets in different types. The authenticity of ghee is how much transparent it is and when in Semi solid state it becomes little granulated form and it has its own aroma.

As per Traditional Indian Cooking Science, oil and ghee have their own importance and the older the ghee stored, acts as Medicine to rejuvenation of body.

Overdose of ghee in food without any exercise and physical activities, in addition to intake of cold water, can cause problems in body. 

For that matter, if ghee is taken in weakness or bad digestiin or metabolism, without oroper medications support, can cause problems too.

Ghee out of Cow's milk is the best for consumption.

Ghee out of Goat's milk helps in eyes ailments.

Ghee on Chapatis is a good way of lubricating in body. However, ghee on chapati in cold, cough, can cause issues too.

Our ancestors have consumed proper oils, ghee and remained hale and hearty for 100 years too. So, why the talk today of no to oils and ghee????!!!

Well, ghee out of buffaloes' milk, Jersey Cow's milk, has lot of unwanted fats that makes our body lethargy, obese (like you find in these above animals)

The importance of Desi Cows is immense and finds its mark in ancient scriptures...

Now question will be Vegan food is good today!!! How to justify this theory?!

Of course, it would be, if we do not understand the authentic process of making ghee and which ghee is good (i.e. whether made from cow, buffalo, which type of cow, etc)

The body constitution helps us to know how much ghee consumption is good for us and when not to consume.

Medicinal ghee are available and prepared after proper process with adding many medicinal herbs while making the ghee,and this is used in many Panchkarma and Ayurvedic therapies, depending on the type of body problems...

Hope I could touch some brief points, which would inspire you to explore on this more... 

(Just think if our Indian cow ghee and milk was not so good, why would invaders take away our coww breed there 😉)

Friday, January 8, 2021

How is Sukshma Ayurved beneficial than Normal Ayurved

 Dear all,

Ayurved is a known science of life to Humankind.

You may not find the concept of Sukshma Ayurved as such, but, I think it is important to bring out the fact that Ayurved Practitioners should get little street smart, for the benefit of patients only and save them from unnecessary consumption of Modern Medicine...

The difference of Sukshma (intricate details) Ayurved and Ayurved is the procedure of making the Ayurvedic medicines and exactly the condition of patient, where it is to be given.

Medicine extract that works on Marmas and similar concept of Homeopathy or Biochemical medicines is applied to Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs to give the patients more effective results.

As per the advice of the Ayurvedic Practitioner and his or her experience and knowledge of this Sukshma Ayurved Vidya only, the patient can be advised such medicines. 

Not all ayurvedic Practitioners are aware of this fine detailed medicines which can be a boon to mankind with reasonable costs and also certain extracts in these medicines are put in such a way, which avoids the Bitter taste of the original medicine.

Do contact me, if anyone is interested to get treated with such medicines too... The Ayurvedic doctors, I am associated, have a good amount of Practical Experience and Knowledge of such Practice