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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Doshas (Humors in body)... Know about it in brief ....

Hello Friends,

Doshas is a Sanskrit word.

To a layman, Doshas = Some issues in the body or the toxins. Whereas,
According to Traditional Ayurveda, Doshas = Vata, Pitta and Kapha (The Three Humors uof body). These three Doshas are already present in us in equilibrium, since our birth. Disease or problems in body arise due to the Imbalance of these doshas.

Technically, Every person is born with an inherent Body Constitution (Shareer Prakruti). Doshas are one part of that Body Constitution. There is predominant presence of one and combination of Two doshas than the other Dosha in the body, comprising our Body constitution; and each one of us imbibe the striking features of Body structure as per Our Doshas. For example,  Either one could be Vataj- Pitta body (Vata and Pitta Dominant, Vata being more than the other) or any such combinations.

The predominance of the doshas, to become our body constitution is not bad for our health. it is naturally inherited to us as per our parents' body constitution (Matuj, Pitruj i.e. maternal & Paternal), the mother's doshas prevelant at the time of the formation of embryo, many environmental, dietarry factors especially of the mother during conceiving, and many such factors mentioned as Shad-gunas in Garbha Sanskar.

The basic Body constitution has to be remembered always to know the overall health history of the person, as it remains the same.. With Lifestyle modifications, diet changes, seasonal changes, the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) predominance may change gradually over the period.

The person with same body constitution would have similar striking features, as per the predominance of any of the doshas.. You may google that to get the detailed information or better visit your Ayurvedic Doctor to know your body constitution.

Points to be noted as to why knowing about Doshas is important :-

#  It is important first to find out what is your body constitution. This would help us have a Diet Regimen, Do's - Dont's, Preventive Healthcare regimen for each one of us, accordingly.

#  Seasonal and Daily Conducts (Ritu & Din-charyas) can be maintained.

#  It is a part of Preventive Health Care

#  Imbalance or Vitiation of the Doshas in the body leads to bad impacts on our health. it can cause disease. The Intensity and Depth of the Doshas is important to be noted.

#  Overall Skin-care, Hair-care, Body-care can be taken care of, if you know about the Doshas and your Body Constitution

#  Fitness regimen can also be planned properly. What type of exercise, how much time to do a particular exercise, all these, with knowledge of doshas can be planned and gives an effective impact on our fitness.

#  Sleep Routines have impact on Doshas and vice-versa. It is very important to know the correlation.

#  Likes, dislikes, personal traits, body structure are to a good extent determined by our Dosha Structure in the body.

I have tried to incorporate very briefly about the Doshas in the body, to the best in my Knowledge. A detailed study can be procured from an Ayurvedic book on Basics or also short - time courses on Ayurveda

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  1. Its nice to know about doshas, or constituent part of each one of us. Maintaining Balance of these during day , and in each season is key to health .... So here comes ahar , vihar i.e. , diet and life style is important to follow .... In ayurved . Thank you.

  2. Its nice to know about doshas, or constituent part of each one of us. Maintaining Balance of these during day , and in each season is key to health .... So here comes ahar , vihar i.e. , diet and life style is important to follow .... In ayurved . Thank you.

  3. Hi
    Its really very informative write up to know about our body from within it doshas n all.. Keep giving us such details.

    1. Sure... Click on Folow to get updates on every new topic I post on my blogs
