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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How Ayurvedic Ophthalmology differs??!!!

 Hello all,

Santa Claus is coming soon!!!! India's Santa has already given gifts to citizens with gift of Ayurveda Revolution....

Most of us would be unaware that there is something called Ayurvedic Ophthalmology? Right!!!

Don't feel you are alone, Many other Medical Practitioners are also unaware of this fact...

In Ayurved, Rishi Nimi (Saint Nimi) has written extensively on Eyes in his old Ayurved Scriptures. The branch of Ophthalmology in Ayurved is called Shalakya (Meaning Study of Area of E.N.T and Eye or above neck region)... Interesting Naa??!!😊

I also was intrigued to know more about it... Fortunately, I came in touch with 2-3 people who practice Ayurvedic Ophthalmology... I was also fortunate to take certain Therapies for Eye Care..

Now next question arises, Can Ayurvedic Ophthals do surgery?

The answer is Yes. The Father of Surgery is Rishi Vaid Sushruta. There were lot of technical advancements in eauipments, procedures of surgery, which made parient's life easy and comfortable during surgical procedures aand Post Surgery... (However the Paradox is this advancement credit was totally taken by Modern Medicine Practisioners, without being grateful to the Inventor and Founder of Surgeries in India, Thousands of years back....)

Well, lets not get into the debate right now!!! Let me point out what makes Ayurvedic Ophthalmology different:-

1. Ayurveda is a quite ancient Medical & Health Science of India. It has one speciality branch for Eyes, ENT, head to Neck region study called Shalakya.

2. Did you know, more than 70-80% diseases of Eyes are due to some issues in other parts of body. These causative factors are very well understood by Ayurvedic School of Ophthalmology

3. There are exclusive surgical and therapy Procedures studied by Ayurvedic Shalakis (Practisioners of Shalakya), apart from other anatomy, Physiology, updated Surgical procedures, mainly taught in Modern Ophthalmology. 

(Here, the issue is, The Govt, the College Authorities, the Central and State Regulatory bodies of Ayurved, to follow standardised guidelines set by so called Modern Medicine Stream Nationally and Internationally, fell prey to the nexus; and  did not take efforts to follow those standard procedures mentioned in our texts as to How are Practisioners should be, how the teacher should be, what qualities a student have, how a medical Institute should be, etc...)

4. Despite the odds, many ardent followers of Ayurved, managed to take knowledge of Traditional Ayurveda, Uograde themselves with Modern Technical Procedures, an are eligible and efficient enough to Practise wonderful Integrated Ophthalmology --- if thats the correct word I am using??!!

5. The best part of Ayurved Opthalmology (Shalakya) is the Variety of Medicinal herbs, which are even miraculous. 

Like we support our Farmers, it is our duty to save and support our Ancient Ayurved of India, than watch as spectators and be curious, Can Ayurvedic M.S. Vaids perform surgery???

We should make Bharat Atma-Nirbhar towards Practice of Hood medicine for a Healthy Life and Healthy Eyes and Great Vision

I feel there is nothing like Ayurvedic Ophthalmology or Modern Ophthalmology... It is just Ophthalmology in India, where for world to understand the uniqueness, we should tern the whole thing as Integrated Ophthalmology... What say???! 

I feel 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Net Age.... Eye care a must... Know more!!!!

 Hi, all

New to my Health Blogspace?! Visit my old posts on Eye Care, Life without glasses, etc..

This Pandemic has made 2020 as # Beginning of Total Net Age... As per Traditional School of Medical Practitioners, Eyes should be mainly and majorly be used or rather or worked up for Long-distance things than near vision works...

However, today all works are done to get eyes worked up for near Vision works like Extensive reading, Computers, Television, Mobiles, without breaks of Outdoor watching.... This keeps eyes regularly on stress and fatigue....

However, Since mankind has come so ahead in this Net Age, that life without these gadgets is impossible... So here are some tips for eye-care 

1. Get an extra Anti-Glare Screens on your devices...

2. Give a forcible Off-Screen time in between 

3. Morning, night routine of Eye washing, Eye relaxing techniques should be followed..

4. Blink your eyes in between say, every end of a sentence or midst of 4-5 words, etc...

5. No work is so important than your health of Eyes. One should not ignore the care of this Vital organ...

6. Visit an Ophthalmologist for an eye work -up for your eyes.

7. Practice Vision therapy regularly (Combination of Eye Exercises, Eye Wash, Relaxation techniques, etc) .... 

Those following W.H.Bates Theory of Eye Care.

8. Dry Eye Syndrome, Computer Vision Syndrome, Allergies, Myopia, Progressive Myopia etc are commonly seen problems in this Net Age, where,

I came to know rather than usage of Eye drops, an Ayurvedic Ophthalmic Surgeon can help you get Proper Eye Care, Eye Therapies, that are so soothing and effective and sometimes, we are unaware that Issues in Body is the reason for Problems in eyes....

9. Eye Care for Children is Priority now... Hence, I definitely propagate Proper Vision therpaies, Relaxation exercises, Outdoor Watching from Windows, Physical tune-up of Body with Many games, exercises, etc... Spectacles are not the solution or LASIK surgery is not the right Alternative for removal of numbers... 

It is like there is issue of refractive errors in Eye; and you are just justifying increased numbers with increasing Spectacle usage and increasing numbers of them... That is not just the solution.. You have to give some exercise to the inelastic muscles to get more flexible like before and take help of Medicine, therapies, which is very nicely mentioned in our texts of Ayurveda...

Hope Corona Times also Gives us Chance for a Changed Positive Vision and Opportunity to Give time for Eye Care along with Body Fitness and Lifestyle Management...


Ayurvedic Specialisation is the new Word ... Pinching too for many!!!

 Hi all,

We have been reading so many clarifications, Tug of War of Words, Systems, Pathy since a long time.... It has surfaced more in this Pandemic times...

Indian Traditional Science of Health, Life, Medicine is none other than Ayurveda. It is a known fact to all.

India has found its place on International Platform due to its technological Advancements. No doubt about it that Indians have excelled in all spheres be it Finance, Education, Science & Technology, Space, Defense, Medicine, etc... !!!!

No developed and Populated country like China, Tibet, Africa, Japan have forgotten their roots in the wake of Advancements. 

Also, Anyone taking an Extension or advancement to an invention or Science as Primary and giving Importance to that Advancement, shows only Ego...

I was doing a Pros and Cons about the Current Topic of Ayurveda vs Allopathy or Modern Medicine and Mixopathy....

Here are some points I inferred :

1. Ayurveda is A Complete Science of Life (Health, Prevention, Medicines from Nature, Cure, Treatment, etc), 

whereas Modern Medicine was found, as a solution for more faster recovery to a disease or research of some Chemical Compounds that can help a Diseased Body and even for dealing with Viruses, bacteria and micro-organisms (which actually are part & Parcel of Nature) or technological advances in terms of Better equipments and facilities.

2. Ayurveda is a Knowledge of reading your Body, Body Constitution with help of presence of Humors ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha), art of Diagnosing with Nadi Parikshan (Reading Pulse in detail), Lifestyle, Nature, Seasons, Herbology,

Whereas Modern Medicine does research the human body, but has no connection of its true Form of and with Nature. It is actually a stream of Medicine not a whole science of Life. Without, Pharmacology, Allopathy has no Relevance

3. Ayurveda cannot be termed as just a Stream of Medicine, but it is a Science,

Whereas, Modern Medicine is definitely a Pathy or A stream of Medicine 

4. An Allopathy Practisioner is a subset of an Ayurvedic Practitioner (Maths = Subset)

5. The major difference of both is Ayurveda works on the root-cause of the Disease, 

Whereas, Modern Medicine works only on the symptoms and problem without considering the whole Body study in detail of that patient.

6. The matter of war of words is Specialisation..... It is empathetic to know, India forgot to give its Science of Health its correct due, and Indians gave whole credits to the New Technological Advanced Modern Medicine of Western World.

Ayurveda has its own specialisations and specific literature on the same. But, the art of advanced Surgical Procedures overpowered our own Traditional Medicinal Literature, and deny to accept the we Indians, did not have such Surgical Procedures ever.... 

The technical art to just learn that Advancement of Surgical Procedures is the Ego Point of all Modern Medicine Practisioners in India.... 

7. The Grandfather i.e. Ayurveda, should be happy of the Advancements of its Grandson (Allopathy), and learn the Now-new to further update itself to shorten the Generation Gap. The Grandson should help the Crawling Experienced Grandfather to get back his Due place in Indian Medicine and show the whole World, how all Generations are living a Healthy Life with help of each other and What Huge Loss Indians incurred by forgetting its Roots of Healthy Natural LifeπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘

Monday, November 23, 2020

What a New Born Baby gets an Authority to Certify Elders....

Just hearing News on News Ayush Ministry did so and so for Corona Or Health Welfare issued Post Covid Guidelines with help of Ayurved and Yog. Then, news on Medical Governing Bodies giving approval to Ayurvedic doctors to do surgery, etc etc .

Indian Medicine has its deep roots thousands of years back in the texts of Ayurved like Charak Samhuta, Sushruta Samhita, Atharvaved, etc...

Be it Study of Ayurved, Teaching of Ayurved, Herbology of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine, Lifestyle Regimen, Do's & Don'ts, Science of One's Own Healthy Life, we can find detailed literature of the same in these scriptures.

Recently, due to Pandemic times, the Golden Period for Indian Medicine and Health has created its way through again amidst all Stress, Uncertainty and Hope.

It is great to know Indian Govt, And Followers of Traditional Indian Medicine of Ayurved come back to its own roots of Medicine for Solutions. However, it is disheartening to see the way the Whole Doctors' Fraternity Fighting like cats & dogs to preserve their Own right of Pathy and Procedures. On the Contrary, this is a great opportunity for Indian Medical Fraternity to come together and stand upright with its own Glorious Indian Medicine. Also, No Pathy is in cross to another. Thus, it is must, to understand to collaborate the Positives of all Pathy and can be utilised for the betterment of Society...

An Extension or advancement to on-going things can be termed as Modernised treatment or Medicine, but how can u take it as Main-stream Medicine Avenue?!! 

And term one's country's Ancient, Time-tested Whole and Complete Science of Life as Just Another Alternative Medical Stream. This shows one's Ignorance or Ego towards the Self-attained Science by our own Rushi-Munis…

Therefore, it is important for all of us to admit that, Ayurved is A Complete Science of Life and not a mere Pathy...

It is a great move by Indian Govt to recognise and justify its own Medical Science of Life again. Also, it is our own respect to acknowledge the Detailed and Time tested Solutions mentioned in Ayurved. Just a few Years Born, Organising body, giving Huge Science of Life - Ayurved a Stamp to Practice, shows where we stand and treat our own Medical Science. However, we all should embrace such a Bold Step by Indian Govt and continue this Mission of bringing Our Indian Medicine - Ayurved on International Platform. It can serve a Ray of Hope for Healthy Life to not just Indian Citizens, but the Whole World….

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Corona Negative, still struggling with Post Covid. Where is the way??!


Any Plan works in phases : Vision, Mission, Framework & Strategy, Execution, Review of The final Execution.

Similarly, in Pandemic, Countries first baffled, Govts thought, made strategies, guidelines, executed, followed, then reviewed. 

If you hear this Corona Episode In India as a Story, I today, feel like it was a Full Drama Genre only. We all had great minds coming on table to guage the situation, but no one felt the need to even ask Ayurvedacharyas or resort help to our own Traditional Science of Life - Ayurved. Of course, a virus impacted Pandemics must be researched for an antidote. What direction the World took this, as a new type of Virus, New type of Pandemics, is questionable!!!!

Whereas, Ayurved which is one of the Ancient Sciences of Medicine, Life, must have had seen so many such Pandemics. This Pandemic is a teacher too. Its all basics of Life and its existence. Humans have evolved over a period of lacs of years. However, instead of just mere Technology Development, the position mankind has put itself, Planet Earth, is very alarming and at the same time in a shabby & messy state. 

Our Existence is at stake and we are still talking of technology, development, etc. Initiatives of Tree Plantations, Organic Farming, Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness Awareness, CSR projects, Carbon Credits, etc are being taken, but can we all pause for a moment and see, where are we still heading to?

Like a sales service is proper only, if proper After-Sales Service is given.

Similarly, Corona treatments are justified with by Post Covid Symptoms / Complications. I was so happy to hear Corona patients taking Ayurvedic Medicines have had Very Less to Negligible Post Covid Complications. Patients have shared their Success Stories by emphasizing that they could return to their Normal Routine Work or life, after Corona, within 3-4 days or some from the very next days. Still, they were advised by Physicians to take min 7 days rest and retirn to Normal Working...

It is now high time for Ayurvedic Vaid to come together and work more positively with Post Covid Patients, to help them recover from Heavy Dosages of Viral Medicines, Injections, etc. I believe without Correction of Lifestyle, Knowledge of One's own life through Ayurved is must now.

Govt. Has done its part by giving stamp to Ayurved and Yoga for dealing Post Covid Complications. It is our responsibility collectively, to re-learn the unknown or unlearnt or un-taught part of Ayurved, Yoga in such Corona Cases.

OMG!!! Some So - called Cure for Corona are no more Applicable.


I am sorry for the short break in this blog writing. I was exploring the versatile Facets of Our Ancient Ayurved

I was fortunate to be a part of India's First Non-Govt Ayurvedic Covid Care Center at Rajkot. Where I was also in some fear to ho and work there, I saw the Health Warriors coming there, with conviction.

I was astonished by the results derived by Ayurvedic Treatment. 

The average days for recovery for Mild Symptoms Corona Positive patients was 3-5 days and For Moderate symptoms or patients with Co-morbidities was 8-12 days. This statistics proves the Myth that Ayurvedic Medicines always Slow as WRONG.

However, I would not deny the fact that 50 % patients admitted, opted for this Covid care, not for some affection towards Ayurved, but some due to No place elsewhere, some due to Mouth Propaganda, some due to faith in Vaid Jani. It is an irony that India's own Ayurved is crippled by some vested minds and Fool public at large (I was included in those fools too before).

I got the priviledge to work with one of Ayurved fanatic and Confidante, Vaid Hitesh Jani. 

His conversation coded by PNI head can be seen in the limk below

My urge to explore the Scientific based Ayurved to its core, increased. I listened to all the testimonials of patients who got cured from Corona with exclusive Ayurevdic Medicines, made on basis of Kamdhenu Aayog Protocol for Covid. 

Secondly, it is heartening to see most Ayurvedic Physicians practising Allopathy maximum, is not due to lack of confidence, but the Education system of Ayuvedic Colleges, getting succumbed to norms made according to International standards, and not as mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts. Also, it is a big market created by Modern Medicine Practisioners, Pharma Industry and International Medical Giverning Bodies, compelling the Ayurvedic Space to follow steps of Modern Medicine. 

It is appalling to see that everyone wants to wait for some Vaccine to dome and save us from Pandemic. The so-called Modern Medicine, which is some hundred years old terms Our Ancient Time Tested Ayurved as Alternative Medicine. I strongly would like to add, Ayurved, being termed just as another Medicinal Stream, itself shows Ignorance or the Modern Medicine Governing Bodies....

The Failure of some Drugs for cure of Corona, are an example of this Great Web of Vested Interest People, who are not ready to explore or listen to our Ayurvedacharyas. But, they only, to respect the Ayurved Fraternity, allowed it to work as Prevention. 

It is for us All People of India to take this incident as an Eye-opener. Corona is a blessing in disguise for mankind, especially Indians, to correct Lifestyle, be Self reliant in business & work and last but nit the least, a Great Helping Hand to the World to Combat such Pandemics....

Many people say its Conspiracy of China against some Of its Enemies. Whatever, be the reason, we have to understand and respond to it wisely now!!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Experience Working in an Ayurvedic Covid Care Centre πŸ™πŸ‘

 Hello Friends,

Pandemic Situation is stressful, frustrating, boring and uncertainty...

It's time to lend a healing hand !!!

I, proudly call all Medical Fraternity, Policemen, Govt. Support Staff, etc as 'Healing Care-takers'

Nothing, to stand apart from everyone, but warriors gives a war like feeling... The soldiers are Warriors of Country, but we are not fighting against anything, we have to deal with human-created mistakes....

I have got a chance to work in an Ayurvedic Covid Centre.
I am seeing, when the patients, their relatives come, are all in Stress, fear... Just think, that 60-70% or more people, were roaming carefree before this, but when some loved one has got it, they are in Total Mess...

Doctors, staff are working diligently, despite all such odds, towards healing the patients.
However, when many patients are getting better, it is seen, they still do not want to follow a diet regimen or instructions given my the Medical staff...

The patients' may follow out of fear, but still majorly, the overall mentality for Lifestyle change, being Responsible and Accountable towards Nature, Earth or even their own Health, is not happening πŸ™„

There is lot of Air, created for this Pandemic.. Ofcourse, it is fatal, if we do not follow the said instructions...

I appeal many such Organisers (of Current Covid Centre I am Serving at), to come up and lend their spaces for Covid Centre for the betterment of our country, and that too not bothering much about personal gains....

I feel blessed that, I am a Part of this wonderful journey, of experiencing the fantastic results of Ayurvedic Treatment, Dietary Regimen, on the positive patients...

We should all adapt to this change to opt for our Treasure, of Old Traditional Ayurveda texts at rescue, alongwith other mode of treatments in Modern Medicine too... Let's unite and heal our Health, Nature and our Planet Earth...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Keep Social Distance .... Does not mean Distance Socially...

Hello Friends,

In this Pandemic, we have heard this Word 'Social Distancing' so many times, that our brain now does not have to memorise it... It's a part and parcel of Life now.

Social Distance - Maintaining a distance of atleast 2 feet between 2 or more persons.

There are two groups : One who is so Aware and abides by norms and Second is, those who, despite repeated calls from all corners of the country, still, remain stubborn to not follow the rules strictly.

In both scenarios, there was  and is a necessity of constant Hammering of messages and maintaining an atmosphere of Caution (which People either have taken as Stress, fear or have chose to defy)

In all this drama, the monkey is very well taking away the opportunity to exploit both the scenarios of above two fighting Cats
On one hand, Govt. & Media is creating awareness, but on the other, the stress is also given. For that, psychological videos are also made and circulated amongst the citizen.

However, people have forgotten the norm of Social Distancing, and are Opting to distance oneself Socially by being

# Suspicious

# Distancing from being realistic, Empathetic and emotional for the Corona patients and their families

# Many illegal & Unethical Medical Practices, also have a major role in people getting to hide details

# Hence, it's a great responsibility of every human being, every society, every political party, every medical related person mutually, that has to understood and realised by all

# There is distancing seen, even in this Pandemic, amongst the Pathies (Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, etc) and Doctor fraternity. Why can't the pluses of every pathy be merged and given to public.

# The norm of Social Distancing is for benefit of all, but still, it is made an issue of caste, creed, country, and many such Coveted interests.

Nature has given such a beautiful opportunity in disguise, that can vanish away all evils from the world. But, no.... We are humans and we do not utilise our precious brains for such peaceful paths...

Hope, I could share my Pain with you all.. Do not Turn away yourself from others dealing with this Virus, but let's all deal this situation in a more Understanding and Pragmatic way, with full Awareness, Responsibility and Compassion....

I would like your views too, about this topic.. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

We shall Eat Food or Food shall eat us...πŸ˜€

Hello Friends,

Sorry for the gap in posting.... My Husband and me are also serving at India's first Ayurvedic Covid Care Centre. It's a great feeling to be a part of Healing Warriors than Fighting Warriors😊

Recently, I heard this 'We shall eat Food or Food should eat u' phrase at an International Ayurvedic Conference on Importance of Diet especially in such Pandemic situation...

I can share personally the link of the same, whoever wants to check out. Why not then share my views on this topic?!!

It is very important for everyone to find the what, how and why of a concept. 'Why' is the Logical part of a research. If all 3 questions are answered, you will never fail.

Always remember what is the property or why is food required...
Since we are not living a Satvik life totally and naturally, then the above question needs to be addressed.

Food is for nutrition to the body for its maintenance, vitality and longevity!!!

In Pandemic or rather lockdowns, we saw the chefs in many people coming out😁 Healthy lifestyle does include healthy and nutritious diet... But it was seen, most people, still living in the same period of Fast food or Junk food... Do check out my previous post on 'Cheat Meal' day...

The major symptoms of Corona Virus was seen its ill-effects on the Respiratory system of the body; right from mouth till throat to lungs and heart accompanied with cough, fever, etc.

Ayurveda's Aid of Diet especially in this Pandemic :-

* Food details by Ayurveda at our rescue
According to Ayurveda, Diet is given more importance, which does not just includes which food to eat or not to eat, but elaborately explains about the properties of the food items to Do's and Don'ts according to your body constitution, season, to Opposite Food effects, etc.

* Importance of Langhanam in fever

Ayurveda introduces concept of Langhanam (Fasting), at the time of fever
The whole body should be conducive to fight against the antigen bodies formed due to virus. Thus, it is also important, we do not load out digestive system with heavy foods or inappropriate food. It helps remove the toxins of the body.

* Do not suppress fever, rather help it to get out of the system in a proper way explained in Ayurveda

* Do not surrender yourself to ur taste buds
Hence, Know Why You Shall Eat Food, and Not Let Food, Tastes control you and your sensesπŸ˜‰πŸ’Ÿ

* Ayurveda provides an integrated and Holistic approach to Health Well-being and Fitness alongwith Traditional Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation
Fitness does not include expensive Immunity Boosters, Health Powders marketed today. It is all about wholesome meals suited to your body constitution, your current work culture, physical activity, understanding and being aware of you, Your Body and everything around.

* Nature, itself has solutions for our Health
We are so fortunate that Nature has provided solutions to our problems in the form of Fresh Air, Farms, trees, medicinal herbs, Yoga & Pranayam by our sages...

Let's live life King-size by virtue, staying with Nature, recalling that we are a part of this Universe and thus living without any stress, but only Responsibility towards ourselves and the Whole Cosmos....

* Consult an Ayurvedic Doctor / Dietician for your consultation on Diet and Nutrition, Pathya (Do's) Apathya (Don'ts) and Daily & Seasonal Regimen to follow...

Enjoy the Food You Make, Relish the tastes of Spices in it and Be aware of you and Stomach... do check out my previous post on Listen to your Stomach...

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Hello Friends,

Hope you all are safe and fit !!!!

What does this topic mean to you? Has the blogger gone nuts πŸ˜†πŸ˜„!!! Has She forgotten her Basic Science ??!!!

Well, not all.. I am doing good and am excited to discuss with you, through my personal Experience...

Be ready to hear Story of Health Via My Stomach πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€

πŸ’›  I was a very Silent child, with good observing skills. Everyone loved me around... I easily enjoyed with any company, be it small children, be it my family or any relatives or neighbours.

πŸ’›  Now, come my tragic part - My stomach.... As a Child, I loved eating mud ( I am Sure there would be many in this club). My Basic Body constitution is such that I had to be very careful with my metabolism and Digestive part. I used to be on Ayurvedic Medication from an Ayurvedic Paediatrician. As I grew, I had mesntrual problems, for which I took Homeopathic Medicines. It helped me a lot.
πŸ’›  However, I thought, everyone has their own personality for studying, sleeping. I loved reading, studying especially at nights and would sleep till late. I had cravings for stale food or cold food kept overnight and sweet cravings.
πŸ’›  I used to not like fast food. I loved a full meal - Salads, Dal, Rice, Chappati (2-3), buttermilk, Vegetables
πŸ’›  My mom would always crib about my haphazard lifestyle to oversleep, studying at nights. But Hum Toh Hum Hai bhai, I bragged about a balanced diet, a one hour of outdoor games, walks as I grew Big, a studious person - so required the princess' sleep too. I was a spiritual person too. 

πŸ’›   First Jhatka was gastric issues starting at early twenties. Then, I gave in to the office culture of having fast food with colleagues. That craving for extra spicy had a toll on my health. Over gastric issues, acidity issues, stomach cramps, Letharginess, noon sleep requirements, dullness in overall persona, creeped in me.

πŸ’›  Then Second Jhatka was diagnosis of PCOD (Irregular Menstruation)in my late twenties. This WORD gave me lot of fear for future, marriage, etc. But, a wonderful & Authentic gynaecologist came as an Angel in my life, where I did not have to be treated with hormonal medications. I had a lifestyle disorder of decresing my fitness regimen, walks, fast food cravings, etc.

πŸ’›   The another miracle that happened to me was my marriage to Ayurveda (Pun included with an Ayurvedic Family of Doctors)

πŸ’›   The Purpose of Sharing my Whole Medical History was that My Body, My Stomach and apparently my Mom kept giving me alarming signals. But I kept overlooking it ignorantly, intentionally or unintentionally. Be it in later stage of my life, still I am very grateful to my Father in Law, to encourage me learn, read about Ayurveda. 
Lately, a renowned Vaidya told me that my continuing gastric issues, continuous medication and Panch Karma therapies, can be bought in discipline, IF ONLY & ONLY IF I LISTEN TO MY STOMACH

Listening to Stomach means - 

πŸ™ Know your body constitution

πŸ™ Accordingly, Follow your Daily & Seasonal Regimen

πŸ™ Ask yourself - Do You really want to eat? Are you Really Hungry?

πŸ™ Ask yourself, when to stop eating. According to Diet Rules, one should eat 85 % full stomach only

πŸ™ Be clear whether Health, Digestion is necessary or Likings & Cravings, Over-eating is required?

πŸ™ Like Eating Habits, Watch out your drinking style of water too.

πŸ™ Intermittent Fasts, Light diet in dinner, Regular Detox Therapies shoud be followed for well-being

πŸ™ Consult an Authentic Doctor (I prefer Ayurvedic Doctor) for any issues as well proper know - how about Preventive Care

Today, Everyone talks about Cure, but Yes, in this Pandemic, many have realised the importance of Prevention Is Better Than Cure.
I am happy to share my journey with all my readers and also welcome you at our Online Consultations too...

Cheat Meal Funda

Hello Friends,

In today's Era of Dieting, we all here this word - "Cheat Meal Day"
Cheat Meal Day - Day for Cheating on on-going dietary Regimen, one can binge in to all fatty, yummy, sweet, high caloried food items or It is also a Cheat Day for Exercise or Fitness regime. However, mostly it is used for Binging on Favourite foods

We have not heard this word before from either our grand-parents or even our Parents' generation.

Have we thought about it? No, coz now its a new thing and the In-thing of today's world. So we do not bother to ask ourselves about the same.

Before further discussing my views on the same, please read my post on Correct Understanding to Nutrition & Diet, Click on the Below Link

Once you read the above post, you would now understand this post better.

Factors encouraging this Concept " Cheat Meal" are as follows:-

⊿  Adulterated food - Thus, Organic Food are catching everyone's attention today (Good Business)

⊿  Lack of Balanced Diet

⊿  Lack of Correct Understanding of  Nutrition & Diet

⊿  Lack of Know-how of Authentic Cooking ways as per Ayurveda literature

⊿  No Self- Realisation of Right Hunger or Stopping to Eat when stomach is 85 % full.

⊿  Comparison with respect to looks, Slim-trim Body, Zero Size Body, Stomach Abs

  All the above factors lead to want of Dieting. But, one has likes or cravings for favourite foods, sweets, desserts, Butter, Cheesy foods, etc

If We Have a 
Balanced diet, 
Properly cooked food, 
Eat when actually hungry, drink water as much I require, Chew my food properly, 
Eat organically grown millets, pulses, fruits & vegetables, 
Follow Self-control and the Ashtang Yoga Principles of Yoga
Have a proper fitness routine,
Do Panchkarma Therapy regularly (Detox plan... Refer my Post -
Take Ayurvedic Medicines for any natural or genetic problems on time


Of course, since we missed or overlook what our body was telling, since growing from child to an adult, at late stage, with diseases cropping up, we have to take support of such Dieting, Cheat Meals Concept. 

Hence, The Motto of this Post was to create an awareness, as to How Important it is to incorporate Correct Understanding of Health, Diet and Fitness in our Education to one and all. Also, How important it is, as a whole Nation to talk and act on Basic Issues of Nutrition & Food to al Citizens for a Healthy Nation, with Nourished and Organic Foods to eat.

Friday, August 7, 2020

EYE : A part of ENT... Did you Know that or we missed this Fact .....!!!

Hello Friends,

I am so happy to share views on Health-care based on my experience, readings, chats with Doctors, etc


In fact, In Ayurveda, Shalakya Tantra or a Shalaki deals with the whole E.N.T and Parts of Human body above the neck till your head. In this sense, I said Eye is also to considered, while dealing with E.N.T cases and visa-versa.

I observed that today, medical field has gone detailed due to which there has been Specialisation avenues opened up. Previously, a general physician would be effiicient enough to tackle diseases from Head to toe, and amazingly that too with limited medicines (Not in terms of stock, but options or varieties in medicines)

My point here is, Some cases of Eyes actually do not happen due to standalone issues in Eyes, but could be due to sinusitis, Ear problem, cold, cough, Headache issues, stiffness in muscles of neck, shoulders, or even stoamch issues. 

Just imagine, today in the times of specialisation, How much we are missing An Holistic Approach towards the whole body? Are the doctors overlooking the other Anatomy & Physiology factors, while diagnosing and treating just one part of the body.

Eye is an integral part of E.N.T, as there are connecting nerves, circultion of same blood, presence of The Doshas in the body.

I am focussing on eyes, coz closely I have seen how eye patients are diagnosed and treated, by taking an Integrated Approach by my Ophthalmologist husband. I have personally seen my mother-in-law curing patients of eyes, by treating their Stomach issues or E.N.T. issues or many such caustive factors.

This is possible only if the doctor takes the case not just focussing an individual part of the body, but taking the Medical History and Consulting the patient, considering all other factors too...

The absence of facts can be witnessed today in Medical field.

Medication for one particular disease may cure or suppress the effect of that disease almost to nil, but the Major cause since is not tackled, instances have been that patient complains of other issue coming up after a while, which could be the effect of that Major Causative factor. 

Either it is too late or so critical that patient have to go for operations or surgeries, which could have been avoided, if treated at Primary evel or rather diagnosed correctly at Primitive level only.

Thats why, Many Authentic Modern Medicine Practitioners and Ayurvedic Doctors, even today have masses coming at clinics but do not get much recognition either due to less advertisements or not appealing clinical set-ups or their economical medicines and treatments are not appreciated and acknowledged properly

If you agree, then I want your comments for that Awareness to happen.....

You are 80% your own doctorπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ˜³πŸ˜²

Hello Friends,

Are you in shock reading the title of this post?!
You are not a certified degree holder. However, it is being aware.

Justified points to support my thought

# We agree that humans are superior amongst the living beings

# The body is our Prop to think, act and do things

# Our body is the precious gift by nature to fulfill our goals with help of physical body, mind and soul.

# It is always useful to be observant and sensitive about self and our surroundings.

# Our body tells us stories about our thoughts, lifestyle, diet, fitness, sleep, emotions, feelings and many more

# The issues to our health is our ignorance to these indications given by our body from time to time.

# No disease happens out in a blue moon. It is gradual changes in the body, which it tells us, but we either ignore or postpone, till that small problem grows to critical issues

# Some exceptions of deformation in genes, natural viruses, can be understood

# Otherwise, all disorders in body, virus in lab,  are caused due to our mistakes, lack of understanding about the basic anatomy of our body, lethargy towards health, negligence towards biological indications.

# We should be always aware of what suits us, what doesn't suit us, what impacts does each season have on us, our basic body constitution, natural surroundings, know-how of local and staple food grown, what kind of vessels to use for cooking, storage, etc

# Acceptance of our formation out of basic five Elements : Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether. What impact they have on us should be known?

I may have missed on some points, but majorly they are covered above. We should be grateful to Nature for having the wonderful body, mind and soul to tide through our journey.

Detailed study or critical ailments definitely requires Professional Medical Assistance.

Today we are dependent more on doctors for even small things. Basic Health care and Preventive Healthcare knowledge should be a part of the syllabus. 
We hold only doctors responsible for everything, as if, we are not the owner of this body and have enslaved us to the medical fraternity.

It's high time to be accountable for one's lethargy and carefree attitude towards Health

I am sure that everyone would agree, most issues today world is facing in terms of pollution, adulteration, malnourishment, Lifestyle disorders, etc due to our ignorance and negligence...

Thank you for being with me in this journey of sharing my candid views on various topics..

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Change of Perception of Yoga, Meditation at large....

Hello Friends,

Please do read my Journey and Understanding of Yoga and Meditation in my blog

I listened to a recent video of Sadguru's Conversation with Dr. Deepak Chopra. It was a deep-thought, intellectual, informative and mind-blowing inspirational 27 minute video.

Sadguru mentioned about an example of incomplete Yoga being practised in California, where Yoga means one day of exercise, one day of jogging, one day of cycling, etc. So he mentioned of a Change required in this perception of Correct Yoga....

I am so blessed to have been trained by Yoga professionals who practised and understood Yoga, Meditation in its purest form. 

Thus, I thought to share few views of this. Yoga is a form of fitness and Health Regime which is practiced for oneness of Mental, Physical and Spiritual health.

Some Important facets of Pure Yoga :

# Yoga is derived from Sanskrit work Yuka meaning 'To Join' - Body, mind, soul with the Truth

# There have been so many great wise men like Patanjali Guru, Vashishta Guru, Saints, and many more who defined Yoga in form of their experience and essence derived through Continuous Practice.

# Yoga = Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation

# There are Basic forms of Yoga like Ashtanga Yoga, Hath Yoga, Paths of Yoga - Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyana Yoga, etc.

# An effective form of Yoga is also formulated by B.K.S. Iyengar.

# Yoga is a pattern to live life with good conduct, discipline and with full awareness

# Like today, Yoga either connotes only as hard core Asanas or just Meditation or just Pranayama or just a form of exercise for physical fitness. This perception has to change to a larger extent even in India.
Just for convenience and outer Physical apperance, different combination of yoga and dance and other preliminary exercises are practised. Very few institutions teach Traditional Yoga in its fuller aspect of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health.

# Yoga, instead of way of living with Full Awareness of Self and It's Surroundings, is being taught and practised as mere business.

# I am grateful that Shri Narendra Modi has been instrumental in reviving our age-old Yoga and it's relevance today. I am happy that this recognition, has now gone one step further in formation of an Empanelment Body of Yoga professional, degree holders and experienced practitioners of True Yoga, so that Correct Yoga Education can be taught to people. I am optimistic that such active steps are being taken for streamlining Yoga Practices and the Basic purpose of having Yoga in everyone's lives will be served.

# It will be a great boon to mankind in his journey of unravelling his Self, The Existence and the importance of every being in this Path of Universal Truth and Harmony

I hope the above points are agreeable to all. I welcome critics too for my growth of knowledge in path of Yoga & it's Understanding...

Bhuta - Shuddhi (cleansing of 5 Elements)

Hello Friends,

It is a superb phenomenon I have elaborately come across i.e. Bhuta Shuddhi .
Bhuta is Elements. Every living being is made up of the Five Basic Elements called the Panch-Mahabhutas.

Do read my First Topic of this blog

I always had a connect with Nature, expanse of Universe in form of celestial bodies affinity. I never knew why I felt relaxed, seeing a sun, sunrise, sunset, Nature, ocean, or sitting in a garden or in presence of even a candle flame, etc. Lately, I got to learn about the Basic 5 elements we are made up of. Of course, I knew that fact, but not so closely than now.

In Ayurveda, I learnt from my mother in law the concept of Ojha (Life), how her unique leaves therapy helped gain that Ojha, which actually is so inherent that it becomes difficult or rather next to impossible to gain back the same...

Now I literally understood more deeper this therapy by learning more about the Panch Bhutas - EARTH, AIR, WATER, ETHER / SPACE AND FIRE. 

Today's urban life has made us forget our real being and remain connected to these Basic Elements or Nature.  And just see for self that we are happy when around this expanse of Nature.

Yoga and Meditation is a great form for doing Bhuta Shuddhi

For Earth : Walk for a few minutes, feel barefooted the soil and grass of a garden, Enjoy the trees, Nature

For Water : Water has a property to take shape to anything. It conserves. This helps our memory, Sanskaars. So take water in hands and be grateful to all the molecules of water and experience the truth that Survival on earth is not possible without water

For Air : What we call as Prana (Life). There are Yogic and Pranayam practices for Nadi Shuddhis (Purification of Air tracts) 

For Fire : The digestive system, the Existence, one of the factors for growth in any being, plants is possible with Fire - The Agni. Feel and express gratitude to the Sun at dawn, at noon and sunset. Havan practice, Dhoop are also some forms for expressing gratitude and Strengthening our Basic Elements

For Ether : The whole universe is in an expanse of Space (Ether). Today we live in cities majorly in closed rooms, flats, Glassed offices, Cubicles. It is important to feel the part of us being a form of this Expanse.

I may have vaguely put these points of what I understood about the Five Elements and Shuddhi Kriyas for the same.

A virus today has been able to stop our speedy lives and make us understand what we actually are, what we should do, etc. Everything in this world is in Harmony with Each other.

Only Humans failed to realise this important aspect of Living Harmoniously and in Tune with Nature and its surroundings.
Let's get a good session from expert Yogic person or Spiritual Guru or read more on Bhuta Shuddhi for a Lively Life with full of Vital Energy.....

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Being emotional... Is it good or bad ???

Hello Friends,

Every human being have physiological, psychological and spiritual facet of health.
Physiological is the physical body made up of bones, nerves, muscles.
Psychological is the mental side of your health
Spiritual is connected to soul and mind

Emotional health comes under psychology.
Emotions are feelings arising due to thoughts, reactions, likes and dislikes. Like reflexes happen and can be controlled, emotions occur and can also be controlled.
Being emotional is not always be sulking or sentimental. It is according to  me being expressive always.

Let us do a Pros and Cons to being emotional....


❤️ Emotions are also reflexes mentally to an event, thought, action, talk, etc.

❤️ They are normal and better form of expressing.

❤️ Being emotional rationally is superb connect with others.

❤️ Your value system is reflected in expression of your emotions.

❤️ Venting out emotions, bad or good, relaxes your mind and for me, there are rel stress-buster and good  way to feel light

❤️ Every human is liked and requires some bonding, acknowledgement. Nothing better expressed from Emotions

❤️ Being emotional, according to me, makes you more human and humane towards everything in Nature


πŸ’’ Majority of the times, being emotional is always taken as being sad or a sign of weakness

πŸ’’ You tend to be less practical or tend to overlook the actual dealings happening in that context around

πŸ’’ Being emotional many a times, in today's logical and Practical world, have people overpowering you, or less bonding of today's Young generation, exploitation and people taking advantage of your guile and soft nature

πŸ’’ Being sulky, gloomy, impractical is not the proper way of being emotional. It weakens you personality

I could hardly think less of CONS than Pros of Being Emotional.

I see Being Emotional as a source of rejuvenating energy, strong bond, strong connect, strong rapport, full expression of one's inner values for Self and Others. Thus, I would like to rephrase, It is time to be Empathetic and Being Rationally Emotional towards self and everything around.

Hope to come up with such topics regularly. I would love your support and constant feedback in this endeavour of Sharing, Learning and Re-learning along. 

Doshas (Humors in body)... Know about it in brief ....

Hello Friends,

Doshas is a Sanskrit word.

To a layman, Doshas = Some issues in the body or the toxins. Whereas,
According to Traditional Ayurveda, Doshas = Vata, Pitta and Kapha (The Three Humors uof body). These three Doshas are already present in us in equilibrium, since our birth. Disease or problems in body arise due to the Imbalance of these doshas.

Technically, Every person is born with an inherent Body Constitution (Shareer Prakruti). Doshas are one part of that Body Constitution. There is predominant presence of one and combination of Two doshas than the other Dosha in the body, comprising our Body constitution; and each one of us imbibe the striking features of Body structure as per Our Doshas. For example,  Either one could be Vataj- Pitta body (Vata and Pitta Dominant, Vata being more than the other) or any such combinations.

The predominance of the doshas, to become our body constitution is not bad for our health. it is naturally inherited to us as per our parents' body constitution (Matuj, Pitruj i.e. maternal & Paternal), the mother's doshas prevelant at the time of the formation of embryo, many environmental, dietarry factors especially of the mother during conceiving, and many such factors mentioned as Shad-gunas in Garbha Sanskar.

The basic Body constitution has to be remembered always to know the overall health history of the person, as it remains the same.. With Lifestyle modifications, diet changes, seasonal changes, the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) predominance may change gradually over the period.

The person with same body constitution would have similar striking features, as per the predominance of any of the doshas.. You may google that to get the detailed information or better visit your Ayurvedic Doctor to know your body constitution.

Points to be noted as to why knowing about Doshas is important :-

#  It is important first to find out what is your body constitution. This would help us have a Diet Regimen, Do's - Dont's, Preventive Healthcare regimen for each one of us, accordingly.

#  Seasonal and Daily Conducts (Ritu & Din-charyas) can be maintained.

#  It is a part of Preventive Health Care

#  Imbalance or Vitiation of the Doshas in the body leads to bad impacts on our health. it can cause disease. The Intensity and Depth of the Doshas is important to be noted.

#  Overall Skin-care, Hair-care, Body-care can be taken care of, if you know about the Doshas and your Body Constitution

#  Fitness regimen can also be planned properly. What type of exercise, how much time to do a particular exercise, all these, with knowledge of doshas can be planned and gives an effective impact on our fitness.

#  Sleep Routines have impact on Doshas and vice-versa. It is very important to know the correlation.

#  Likes, dislikes, personal traits, body structure are to a good extent determined by our Dosha Structure in the body.

I have tried to incorporate very briefly about the Doshas in the body, to the best in my Knowledge. A detailed study can be procured from an Ayurvedic book on Basics or also short - time courses on Ayurveda

Your Timely feedback in comments keep me connected and encourages me to write more on such wonderful topics.

Also, I am grateful to those sending such feedback on both my gmail id 


Thursday, July 16, 2020

When Face of God Changed ??? !!!! Lets See the Pros and Cons

Hello Friends,

A lot of news has been doing rounds about Big Medical Bills, Expensive Doctor, Doctor - no More A God, Patient - doctor Feuds and so on...

Rather than addressing to the Issues, lets first understand the Background of Medicine In India. I will not talk about whole Medical Industry worldwide...

A Brief History of Indian Medical System : -

Indian Medicine roots have been seen in the Era of Vedas in the form of Traditional Ayurveda. Also, in history, due to lot of invaders in India, we can find traces of Homoeopathy, Unani and Many more Medicinal herb therapies from Tibet, China, and many more.

I, very cautiously, would like to reiterate that Ayurveda should be called  the Mainstream Mode of Indian Medicine (Than Alternative Therapy). The sages (Rishi Munis) have done a lot of Rituals and Meditation, that they were able to discover the Indian lands full of Illustrious Medicinal herbs.

They had utilised the natural resources available, tested on themselves, made formulations in their Home-labs. This bond of human to nature and the process to unleash the Indian Herbs is said to be Divine. Medicines, thus, could be made cheaply available to public.

I am here to make ourselves realise the Root Cause and effect of Business In Medical Field....

Initially with the advent of Modern Medicine too, the doctors treated patients with limited medicines, which were very effective too, unlike today. Availability of Options has created lot of employment for growing population, easy reach to medicines, etc. The generic market has also added a good face to cheaper options of medicines. 

Still, below issues have been also cropped up -

  • As the times went by and Mankind connoted happiness to Money; Education, Medical profession and many more were made to go Money-minded.
  • The whole nexus of educational institutions, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and Govt. took a vicious turn. As India was gaining importance on the International platform, Urbanisation, Modernization were stealing the show.
  • Mankind went to discover things for its comfort and easy life. It forgot the essence to life with, for Nature. Resources were over utilised, human brain was under-utilised for Life enhancement of Mankind.
  • As education got expensive, imbalance of capital distribution in the community widened, need for one of its kind medical, industrial structures surfaced, the show-off approach in Indian mentality creeped in, all of these resulted in Monetization and Capitalist Professions.
  • When Money Was given the Position of Supreme Power or God, human lost its importance to this mere Material..
  • Competition and Cross- Pathies - intolerance amongst each other, has created myths, Opposition & Groupism, within doctor fraternity and scenario of Monopoly than focussing on Patient's Health first.
  • Doctors have also forgotten their Main motto towards result - based practice
  • Patients have also forgotten their role, with lot of information available on internet for a diseases, their convenience for health, compromise of lifestyle over excuses of current fast life.
  • Why Blame only the Doctors, Hospitals only???

If a Doctor can practise in a decent Home set - up, or commercial set-up, then why the need of the Taam-Jhaam (Fantasies). A doctor, even to run a small clinic today, finds it difficult to sustain the peer - competition, Quality improvement, meeting the exhorbitant costs of equipments, space for set-up, etc. It is now time for us to ask relevant questions to the system created by all of us. It's always a collective effort not individualistic. A Customer dependant market has its benefits and mishaps too
as well as system - dependant Working also ties hands of small - time doctors, patients, clinics, etc.

Those who are able to charge exhorbitantly, recover their costs, it's good for them. What about the legitimate and doctors with work-ethics, budding doctors with no Financial support or family backing. They have to give in to the Game of Money, loans, etc. 

I think, somewhere, we as humans, in the race to sustain, get fame and name, gain social status, etc., are equally responsible for the Business of Medical field or for that matter Teaching field, etc..


Guys, think like Responsible citizens and introspect, where are we heading for ?!!!😈😈😈

Monday, July 13, 2020


Hello Friends,

Hope You are enjoying my both the blogs on : Health & Finance.

Do check out my
where you can find out my Yoga Journey till now.

In Yoga, Kriyas mean Cleaning Techniques. There is mention in Ashtang Yoga about Yama & Niyam, which is the base for Yogic Kriyas. Aasanas Are for Body Stability, fitness and happy Health. Pranayam & Meditation are for Mind Cleansing and stability.

Impurties, Imbalance in VATA, PITTA, KAPHA doshas result in disease and are majorly caused due to Turbulance in state of body, Breath and Mind.
Since people do not follow Yamas & Niyamas for Body, Yoga, they follow the rest Ashtang Yoga. Kriyas, a Part of Hatha Yoga, is best to be followed for better results.

According to what I have learnt and read, Let me put Yoga Kriyas under following Types (Shat - Kriyas in Hatha Yoga) : -

  1. Neti (Salt Water / Dugdha (Milk) or Ghrutam (Ghee) - Used For Cleansing of Nostrils
  2. Vamana or Dhauti - Used for Cleaning Upper Gastro - Intestinal Tract / Digestive Tract
  3. Nauli - Used for Cleaning Middle Gastro - Intestinal Tract / Abdominal part
  4. Basti - Used for Cleansing Lower Gastro - Intestinal Tract / Large Instestine
  5. Kapaalbhaati - Used for Cleansing of Subtle Capillaries in Brain to strengthen brain stimulations and memory
  6. Trataka - Used for Cleansing Eyes (impurities in eyes, nerve pathways)
Yoga - Nindra along with Yoga Kriyas, will help in getting control of involuntary actions like Sneezing, Vomiting, diarrhea, etc 


Enjoy BODY, MIND, SOUL Cleansing process in Yoga.

There is cleansing of body through Ayurveda too. Check out my Blog  

Important Points to keep in mind which choosing Services of Yoga Professional : - 

Get In Touch with Authentic Yoga Professional, who has good years of experience, Master degree in Yoga, aware of The Anatomy & Physiology of the body for Advance Yoga, Proper and Effective Yoga Kriyas, Therapeutic Yoga. Thus, for Solutions to any Ailment or Body - Mind Complaints, It is always advisable to go for Degree holders in Yoga and Experienced people.

Basic Yoga for Healthy people from any Yoga Professional is advisable.

Its a priviledge for me that I have such proficient Yoga professionals in my family. Also, there are experienced doctors and financial professionals in my close family, which have been my inspiration to my Blog Wirting on Health...

Do write in comments, what is your feedback. 

CLICK FOLLOW button to be updated on my new posts on my both Finance and Health Blogs....

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Over use of Computer, Technology... Do Not Worry πŸ˜‡

Hello Friends,

Today's solution for earning or being connected or tidying the time, in this Pandemic situation is TECHNOLOGY. It has proven to be a boon. But, it has its own side-effects too.

Hope you read my Blog on Alternative therapy to Eye to get rid off glasses ---->

Today, I would like to share some important points to take note for Preventive Eye - care through Ayurveda and Yoga : -

➤  One cannot over-rule the usage of technology today for better Connection with the world

➤  It is important to fix time - limit for your screen - time, especially children or women, elders, who do not have much work or career in IT field

➤  After all, one should first accept that eye is an important part of our body. Why I am saying this, is that we do not take much care of it, since we feel our five senses are all good.

  So, like your dental care or Routine Health care, one should follow Preventive Eye Care schedule 

➤  When I was studying in school, we had a subject of Personal Exercise Training (P.E.T class) for personal care like dental care, Eye exercises, basic neck movements, etc. As I learnt Vision Therapy, I realised, we were taught all these basic things in school, but such subjects or hobby subjects were put as extra - cirriculum or side - subjects. I forgot all these basic things, as I grew ahead in my career.

➤  Best part, now is again, I got the chance to come back to the Basics of Life, Health, Living, due to personal study and my in-laws family.

➤  The schedule for Preventive Eye care involves integrated plan of Eye - Care Kit, Eye - Exercises, props, preliminary medication, personal Counselling from Experienced Ophthalmologist, Regular Ophthal Work -up and Vision - Therapy Schedule Chart.

➤  There are different Eye care Regimen for Different eye ailments like High Glass Numbers (Myopia, High Myopia, Computer - Eye Syndrome, Eyes - Stress and Strain Relief Programs, Increasing Numbers, etc.)

I can help you friends, to have a thorough Consultation session for the medical aspect of Eye Preventive Care with Dr. Hemang Shah (Ayurvedic Ophthalmologist)

(Contact Me on my gmail Id : ayush.visioncare for the same)

Detox Program - The Ayurvedic Way

Hello Friends,

Experience counts a lot. So, I believe that Ayurveda is an age -old and very effecient mode of Medicine. In today's world, there are lot of procedures being practised with Detox Plan. I have rephrased this as " Program For Body - Servicing "πŸ˜„. 

Why Do I call it that way? Even a good - conditioned car needs regular servicing to keep up its functioning smooth and for a longer time. Similarly, even a Healthy Body requires Regular Servicing Plan to keep the system going....πŸš—πŸ˜ƒ

The Best Plan in Ayurveda is Panchkarma Therapy, that, as per condition of the body and your Body Constitution (Prakruti), is suggested. The main objective is to Cleanse your Body by Flushing out your Body Toxins of the system and Rejuvenation of overall Body system.

The Traditional Ayurveda has a standard, strict procedure for taking this treatment of Panchkarma. However, today's fast life, requires convenient ways of treatment too. I have seen at our Home clinic, they provide a superb combination of strict protocols or Do's as per Correct Traditional Ayurveda (such provided in Keralian centres) and procedures that can be followed by the patient with convenience and ease. 

I have inferred that if one is serious about one's Health Regimen and Fitness, then Panchkarma Therapy is one of Procedure to be placed in your Health Planner. 

The Role of an Ayurvedic Doctor is like An All-Rounder, who can diagnose, prescribe and treat your diseases. Whereas, A Panchkarma Therapist specialises only in giving the therapy.

My experience is if, you get the Panchkarma done or understood properly by an Ayurvedic Doctor, you can get correct overall guidance towards your Body - Servicing for smoothened functioning of body parts and rejuvenating the body cells and tissues.
All imbalance of Doshas (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA) in the body are taken care of, in this Detox Plan of Panchkarma Therapy.

Brace up your self and get a Body - Servicing Plan Scheduled for you and your family today.

I have got a new life, undergoing Panchkarma Therapy, as and when suggested by my Ayurvedic Physician regularly since last 8 years. From my own experience of rejuvenation and timely treating the accumulated Toxins in my body, I have developed an affinity towards Ayurveda. 

Hope you could benefit from this blog and get yourself a session of counselling to understand better the concept of Panchkarma Therapy and How to go about it, from an experienced Ayurvedic Doctor or Panchkarma Specialist.

Enjoy the experience.. Stay Fit.... Stay Safe...!!!!

The Ayurvedic Doctors, I am taking these Panchkarma therpies, have lot of experienced years of Practice.
Write to me on gmail id - > ayush.visioncare for any assistance for the same. I can provide to you the contact details of the Ayurvedic doctor, who treat me... 

Thank you and Keep Following my blog for new updates (By Clicking on Follow Button)

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Habits and Etiquettes... Are they really Important and How Healthy Are they ??!!!

Hello Friends,

Hope you are following my blogs on Health
And other Blog on Trading, Investment and Finance :

I come up with different topics on these blogs, so do visit and enjoy with me my experiences.

Hope you guys benefitted from my previous topic on my health blog -

Thanks for those who gave me feedback on my topics.

Habits and etiqettes are human - made and society - formed respectively. Habits are self - way of doing things be it food - habits, self- cleansing routines, etc. Whereas, etiquettes, are way of doing things, when you are in a group and have to behave as per some norms.

I am not here to discuss or debate on what habits and etiquettes are bad or good. But to make my point, as to their relevance in our day to day life, behaviours, etc.

I would love your feedback on the following points, I inferred from my learnings and experiences:-

  • To live life in an easy way, it is important to have some routines in your work, living, etc; that form a part of your habits. They are good for references, scheduled and sorted life. 
  • To be able to have a pleasant presence amongst a group of people, be it your family, society, some social groups, college gang, etc, you have to follow some norms in the form of etiquettes.
  • However, how much importance to give to the etiquettes depends on certain factors like occassion, atmosphere, moods, etc.
  • One important point, though, is today, the over-emphasis on group, social etiquettes is so much, that we sometimes override the person over it. Be it parents nagging children to behave in a way in their social get - togethers, be it teenagers feeling ashamed of their parents' presence and looks and speaking etiquettes in front of their friends & colleagues, be it pressurising a child to come reluctantly to their kitties or friends' parties or to some relatives' homes and a must list of the way to talk with elders.
  • I am not saying etiquettes are not required, but why give it so undue importance, till the other person loses mental cool, has dislike for you, etc. 
  • Thus, we should involve self and family in a healthy conversation or family time to inculcate the affinity towards humans and not rejecting others. Many a times, we elders, bitch about others, find our own excuses to ignore a party or a family or a relative, we knowingly and unknowingly, make those norms, which are not suitable or are followed with stress and caution.
  • Meetig people, eating in groups, talking with people, should be likable, or a part of our routine and stress-free. We are, on the contrary, continuously judging people on basis of habits and etiquettes.
  • Health cannot be limited to just body, but mind and soul too. Unless, we do not make human-friendly habits & etiquettes, we are always in that rigid and stiffen position be in body-posture or in greetings or in our day to day living. These harsh rules today, has caused many social issues, loneliness, stress to have a certain lifestyle, etc.
  • You will all believe with me that, when we are with friends, we are so much ourselves and talk & behave with so ease, than in front of our colleagues, peer groups, family, etc. So its important to address this question Why we are comfortable in a certain group always.
  • Of course, there are many families, who even today, live without any crutches (Bandhan) of how to behave, talk or live. 
  • Habits keep you on the foot and make us organised in you daily routine.
  • While, etiquettes, like a certain behaviour during a funeral, a wedding, should be as normally humane.
  • Hence, Habits and etiquettes should be a part of you and your social system, such that, you are mentally free to behave, talk; than give undue importance to unwarranted things, which today just are source of show-offs, discrimination in terms of lifestyle, loneliness, fear complexes, inferiority complex, etc.
  • Health depends on your habits for your wellness, healthy relaionships, healthy behaviours, healthy conversations. Etiquettes are equally important to make yourslf and others comfortable in each others' presence.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Correct Understanding to Nutrition & Diet

Hello friends,

I am so happy by the immense love and support you have shown in my previos topics on my both Blogs on Finance and Health.

There a lot of Nutritionist & Dieticians to give you an overview and right meaning of Healhty Nutrition & Diet. In addition to that, I would like to bring to your notice the following points for the same:

  • First know your basic Body Constitution (Body prakruti) from an Ayurvedic Physician
  • Know and observe the fine details of Nature in terms of Seasons and Daily Routine of Mother Nature, Planetary Configurations, our body system & processes with respect to timings during a day.
  • Understand the impact of climatic changes, seasons have on our overall body and body - systems.
  • Do's (Pathya) and Donts' (Apathyas) to be followed.
  • Proper Adherance to Daily and Seasonal Diet regimen.
  • Proper Cooking vessels, importance and use of different vessels for cooking
  • Correct choice of fruits and vegetables, especially get the know - how of locally produced.
  • Know-how of staple food
  • Correct cooking style. eg. cooked, under-cooked, steamed, roasted, etc
  • Importance of different types Oils available, Ghee in our cooking
  • There is so much information available today on social media, books for Nutrition, diets, etc. Kindly find an authentic Nutritionist, experienced dietician and preferable Doctors - Dieticans (especially ayurvedic Physicians)
  • Self - Observation of which foods, drinks, vegetables, cereals, pulses have on your body, digestion, etc
  • Understanding and accepting the fact that Nature is so kind enough to provide all foods, Herbs, etc in and around local areas for health solutions.
  • Understand the difference between Naturally grown, Organic, Chemical - based farm produce and their impacts on our physical and mental Health
  • There is wonderful concept of Bach Flower remedy too, for Mental health specifically, medicine from extracts from special flowers. You can contact me for the same. 

I have in my family and friends, such Ayurvedic Physicians, practioners for Bach Flower Therapy, nutritionist & dieticians; who can help us know ourselves and suggest Correct Dietary Regimens to us.

Feel Free to contact me for the same on neelam.chheda on Gmail or write me in my comments section.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Straight From Pan to Plate !!!!

Hello Friends,

Recently, I heard one of Sadguruji’s video on Culinary and Cooking skills. I heard a lovey phrase, which became the Today's Topic:” STRAIGHT FROM PAN TO PLATE"

Our ancestors were not so literate, but definitely learnt through their experience and observation. I was lucky to have my Grand-mom (DADI around. Her wise cooking skills, Home remedies were unmatchable and so to the point, that kept me pondering on the amount of and quality of Knowledge.

I want to emphasize here, the benefits of our age-old Indian Culture for Food, Cooking, Storage and Diet & Nutrition. The best thing that has happened in this Pandemic is the Come-back of the same and time - tested Food, Diet and Medicine Models.

Facts and Problem:-

Today's fast and busy lifestyle, has given new dimensions to Food and Diet for people. Be it Fast Food or Street Food or Cold Foods or Stale Food or Packaged Foods or Pre-Mix foods or Instant Mix Foods or Storage Foods in Refrigerator, Freezers

Today's habit to store food, chutneys, sauces in refrigerators has only added problems to our health.
If you do not agree, then try this simple exercise. Do you need more of spicy and tanginess to the already properly cooked food with proper spices? Do you get cravings for something more "Chat-patta Foods" now and then?  Do you feel the need to add some more tanginess to your food?

If the answer is Yes, then let me introduce to you the fact that it’s because of the extra acidic and toxic levels of your current food, the loosing of sense of Taste has occurred gradually without our notice. There is a coating on your tongue, which makes you feel that the food is not spicy and you need to add more spices, tangy sauces on it.

So, the complaints of Acidity, Constipation, Indigestion, Irregular sleeps, Loss of Appetite has increased in Maximum people today.

Major problems are due to Food, Diet and Nutrition Mis-management and Improper Cooking styles.


Now, lot of research papers have come up by many companies here in India and abroad, stating which utensils are good for cooking, the medicinal herbs and spices used in cooking, correct way of cooking, etc. To the irony, we already in India, have these written in our scriptures.

Here, I come to my topic – “Straight from Pan to Plate” It means, “Eat Freshly Cooked Food than Stale and Stored Foods”.

In Developed countries and now in India too, we have seen that this above concept has eluded over the period. So, it’s always a good practice to follow the Correct Cooking Style, Correct Food habits, Correct Dietary Regimen, Correct Use of Fresh, Organic Foods, spices, Oil, Ghee, etc

It is important to understand the importance of our precious Life, our Health over all the Materialistic things. We should not compromise on our Health. Thus, don’t be lethargic or give an excuse of busy work schedules for Storing cooked foods, use of packaged foods, etc.

It is always beneficial to adapt to Healthy living. Consuming Freshly cooked foods should be a part of your Health & Diet Regimen. Many Vegetables like Cabbage, Lady-finger, gourds cause gastric problems, if cooked in less oil, more of water, partly cooked, eaten stale or kept refrigerated even overnight.

Hence, follow this rule of consuming cooked food straight from Pan to plate and say no to storage, refrigeration, unhealthy dietary regimen. This Concept is one of the many dietary changes we require to make today for Healthy life and Disease -free Body.