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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How Ayurvedic Ophthalmology differs??!!!

 Hello all,

Santa Claus is coming soon!!!! India's Santa has already given gifts to citizens with gift of Ayurveda Revolution....

Most of us would be unaware that there is something called Ayurvedic Ophthalmology? Right!!!

Don't feel you are alone, Many other Medical Practitioners are also unaware of this fact...

In Ayurved, Rishi Nimi (Saint Nimi) has written extensively on Eyes in his old Ayurved Scriptures. The branch of Ophthalmology in Ayurved is called Shalakya (Meaning Study of Area of E.N.T and Eye or above neck region)... Interesting Naa??!!😊

I also was intrigued to know more about it... Fortunately, I came in touch with 2-3 people who practice Ayurvedic Ophthalmology... I was also fortunate to take certain Therapies for Eye Care..

Now next question arises, Can Ayurvedic Ophthals do surgery?

The answer is Yes. The Father of Surgery is Rishi Vaid Sushruta. There were lot of technical advancements in eauipments, procedures of surgery, which made parient's life easy and comfortable during surgical procedures aand Post Surgery... (However the Paradox is this advancement credit was totally taken by Modern Medicine Practisioners, without being grateful to the Inventor and Founder of Surgeries in India, Thousands of years back....)

Well, lets not get into the debate right now!!! Let me point out what makes Ayurvedic Ophthalmology different:-

1. Ayurveda is a quite ancient Medical & Health Science of India. It has one speciality branch for Eyes, ENT, head to Neck region study called Shalakya.

2. Did you know, more than 70-80% diseases of Eyes are due to some issues in other parts of body. These causative factors are very well understood by Ayurvedic School of Ophthalmology

3. There are exclusive surgical and therapy Procedures studied by Ayurvedic Shalakis (Practisioners of Shalakya), apart from other anatomy, Physiology, updated Surgical procedures, mainly taught in Modern Ophthalmology. 

(Here, the issue is, The Govt, the College Authorities, the Central and State Regulatory bodies of Ayurved, to follow standardised guidelines set by so called Modern Medicine Stream Nationally and Internationally, fell prey to the nexus; and  did not take efforts to follow those standard procedures mentioned in our texts as to How are Practisioners should be, how the teacher should be, what qualities a student have, how a medical Institute should be, etc...)

4. Despite the odds, many ardent followers of Ayurved, managed to take knowledge of Traditional Ayurveda, Uograde themselves with Modern Technical Procedures, an are eligible and efficient enough to Practise wonderful Integrated Ophthalmology --- if thats the correct word I am using??!!

5. The best part of Ayurved Opthalmology (Shalakya) is the Variety of Medicinal herbs, which are even miraculous. 

Like we support our Farmers, it is our duty to save and support our Ancient Ayurved of India, than watch as spectators and be curious, Can Ayurvedic M.S. Vaids perform surgery???

We should make Bharat Atma-Nirbhar towards Practice of Hood medicine for a Healthy Life and Healthy Eyes and Great Vision

I feel there is nothing like Ayurvedic Ophthalmology or Modern Ophthalmology... It is just Ophthalmology in India, where for world to understand the uniqueness, we should tern the whole thing as Integrated Ophthalmology... What say???! 

I feel 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Net Age.... Eye care a must... Know more!!!!

 Hi, all

New to my Health Blogspace?! Visit my old posts on Eye Care, Life without glasses, etc..

This Pandemic has made 2020 as # Beginning of Total Net Age... As per Traditional School of Medical Practitioners, Eyes should be mainly and majorly be used or rather or worked up for Long-distance things than near vision works...

However, today all works are done to get eyes worked up for near Vision works like Extensive reading, Computers, Television, Mobiles, without breaks of Outdoor watching.... This keeps eyes regularly on stress and fatigue....

However, Since mankind has come so ahead in this Net Age, that life without these gadgets is impossible... So here are some tips for eye-care 

1. Get an extra Anti-Glare Screens on your devices...

2. Give a forcible Off-Screen time in between 

3. Morning, night routine of Eye washing, Eye relaxing techniques should be followed..

4. Blink your eyes in between say, every end of a sentence or midst of 4-5 words, etc...

5. No work is so important than your health of Eyes. One should not ignore the care of this Vital organ...

6. Visit an Ophthalmologist for an eye work -up for your eyes.

7. Practice Vision therapy regularly (Combination of Eye Exercises, Eye Wash, Relaxation techniques, etc) .... 

Those following W.H.Bates Theory of Eye Care.

8. Dry Eye Syndrome, Computer Vision Syndrome, Allergies, Myopia, Progressive Myopia etc are commonly seen problems in this Net Age, where,

I came to know rather than usage of Eye drops, an Ayurvedic Ophthalmic Surgeon can help you get Proper Eye Care, Eye Therapies, that are so soothing and effective and sometimes, we are unaware that Issues in Body is the reason for Problems in eyes....

9. Eye Care for Children is Priority now... Hence, I definitely propagate Proper Vision therpaies, Relaxation exercises, Outdoor Watching from Windows, Physical tune-up of Body with Many games, exercises, etc... Spectacles are not the solution or LASIK surgery is not the right Alternative for removal of numbers... 

It is like there is issue of refractive errors in Eye; and you are just justifying increased numbers with increasing Spectacle usage and increasing numbers of them... That is not just the solution.. You have to give some exercise to the inelastic muscles to get more flexible like before and take help of Medicine, therapies, which is very nicely mentioned in our texts of Ayurveda...

Hope Corona Times also Gives us Chance for a Changed Positive Vision and Opportunity to Give time for Eye Care along with Body Fitness and Lifestyle Management...


Ayurvedic Specialisation is the new Word ... Pinching too for many!!!

 Hi all,

We have been reading so many clarifications, Tug of War of Words, Systems, Pathy since a long time.... It has surfaced more in this Pandemic times...

Indian Traditional Science of Health, Life, Medicine is none other than Ayurveda. It is a known fact to all.

India has found its place on International Platform due to its technological Advancements. No doubt about it that Indians have excelled in all spheres be it Finance, Education, Science & Technology, Space, Defense, Medicine, etc... !!!!

No developed and Populated country like China, Tibet, Africa, Japan have forgotten their roots in the wake of Advancements. 

Also, Anyone taking an Extension or advancement to an invention or Science as Primary and giving Importance to that Advancement, shows only Ego...

I was doing a Pros and Cons about the Current Topic of Ayurveda vs Allopathy or Modern Medicine and Mixopathy....

Here are some points I inferred :

1. Ayurveda is A Complete Science of Life (Health, Prevention, Medicines from Nature, Cure, Treatment, etc), 

whereas Modern Medicine was found, as a solution for more faster recovery to a disease or research of some Chemical Compounds that can help a Diseased Body and even for dealing with Viruses, bacteria and micro-organisms (which actually are part & Parcel of Nature) or technological advances in terms of Better equipments and facilities.

2. Ayurveda is a Knowledge of reading your Body, Body Constitution with help of presence of Humors ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha), art of Diagnosing with Nadi Parikshan (Reading Pulse in detail), Lifestyle, Nature, Seasons, Herbology,

Whereas Modern Medicine does research the human body, but has no connection of its true Form of and with Nature. It is actually a stream of Medicine not a whole science of Life. Without, Pharmacology, Allopathy has no Relevance

3. Ayurveda cannot be termed as just a Stream of Medicine, but it is a Science,

Whereas, Modern Medicine is definitely a Pathy or A stream of Medicine 

4. An Allopathy Practisioner is a subset of an Ayurvedic Practitioner (Maths = Subset)

5. The major difference of both is Ayurveda works on the root-cause of the Disease, 

Whereas, Modern Medicine works only on the symptoms and problem without considering the whole Body study in detail of that patient.

6. The matter of war of words is Specialisation..... It is empathetic to know, India forgot to give its Science of Health its correct due, and Indians gave whole credits to the New Technological Advanced Modern Medicine of Western World.

Ayurveda has its own specialisations and specific literature on the same. But, the art of advanced Surgical Procedures overpowered our own Traditional Medicinal Literature, and deny to accept the we Indians, did not have such Surgical Procedures ever.... 

The technical art to just learn that Advancement of Surgical Procedures is the Ego Point of all Modern Medicine Practisioners in India.... 

7. The Grandfather i.e. Ayurveda, should be happy of the Advancements of its Grandson (Allopathy), and learn the Now-new to further update itself to shorten the Generation Gap. The Grandson should help the Crawling Experienced Grandfather to get back his Due place in Indian Medicine and show the whole World, how all Generations are living a Healthy Life with help of each other and What Huge Loss Indians incurred by forgetting its Roots of Healthy Natural LifeπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘