Saturday, August 1, 2020

Bhuta - Shuddhi (cleansing of 5 Elements)

Hello Friends,

It is a superb phenomenon I have elaborately come across i.e. Bhuta Shuddhi .
Bhuta is Elements. Every living being is made up of the Five Basic Elements called the Panch-Mahabhutas.

Do read my First Topic of this blog

I always had a connect with Nature, expanse of Universe in form of celestial bodies affinity. I never knew why I felt relaxed, seeing a sun, sunrise, sunset, Nature, ocean, or sitting in a garden or in presence of even a candle flame, etc. Lately, I got to learn about the Basic 5 elements we are made up of. Of course, I knew that fact, but not so closely than now.

In Ayurveda, I learnt from my mother in law the concept of Ojha (Life), how her unique leaves therapy helped gain that Ojha, which actually is so inherent that it becomes difficult or rather next to impossible to gain back the same...

Now I literally understood more deeper this therapy by learning more about the Panch Bhutas - EARTH, AIR, WATER, ETHER / SPACE AND FIRE. 

Today's urban life has made us forget our real being and remain connected to these Basic Elements or Nature.  And just see for self that we are happy when around this expanse of Nature.

Yoga and Meditation is a great form for doing Bhuta Shuddhi

For Earth : Walk for a few minutes, feel barefooted the soil and grass of a garden, Enjoy the trees, Nature

For Water : Water has a property to take shape to anything. It conserves. This helps our memory, Sanskaars. So take water in hands and be grateful to all the molecules of water and experience the truth that Survival on earth is not possible without water

For Air : What we call as Prana (Life). There are Yogic and Pranayam practices for Nadi Shuddhis (Purification of Air tracts) 

For Fire : The digestive system, the Existence, one of the factors for growth in any being, plants is possible with Fire - The Agni. Feel and express gratitude to the Sun at dawn, at noon and sunset. Havan practice, Dhoop are also some forms for expressing gratitude and Strengthening our Basic Elements

For Ether : The whole universe is in an expanse of Space (Ether). Today we live in cities majorly in closed rooms, flats, Glassed offices, Cubicles. It is important to feel the part of us being a form of this Expanse.

I may have vaguely put these points of what I understood about the Five Elements and Shuddhi Kriyas for the same.

A virus today has been able to stop our speedy lives and make us understand what we actually are, what we should do, etc. Everything in this world is in Harmony with Each other.

Only Humans failed to realise this important aspect of Living Harmoniously and in Tune with Nature and its surroundings.
Let's get a good session from expert Yogic person or Spiritual Guru or read more on Bhuta Shuddhi for a Lively Life with full of Vital Energy.....

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