Saturday, August 1, 2020

Change of Perception of Yoga, Meditation at large....

Hello Friends,

Please do read my Journey and Understanding of Yoga and Meditation in my blog

I listened to a recent video of Sadguru's Conversation with Dr. Deepak Chopra. It was a deep-thought, intellectual, informative and mind-blowing inspirational 27 minute video.

Sadguru mentioned about an example of incomplete Yoga being practised in California, where Yoga means one day of exercise, one day of jogging, one day of cycling, etc. So he mentioned of a Change required in this perception of Correct Yoga....

I am so blessed to have been trained by Yoga professionals who practised and understood Yoga, Meditation in its purest form. 

Thus, I thought to share few views of this. Yoga is a form of fitness and Health Regime which is practiced for oneness of Mental, Physical and Spiritual health.

Some Important facets of Pure Yoga :

# Yoga is derived from Sanskrit work Yuka meaning 'To Join' - Body, mind, soul with the Truth

# There have been so many great wise men like Patanjali Guru, Vashishta Guru, Saints, and many more who defined Yoga in form of their experience and essence derived through Continuous Practice.

# Yoga = Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation

# There are Basic forms of Yoga like Ashtanga Yoga, Hath Yoga, Paths of Yoga - Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyana Yoga, etc.

# An effective form of Yoga is also formulated by B.K.S. Iyengar.

# Yoga is a pattern to live life with good conduct, discipline and with full awareness

# Like today, Yoga either connotes only as hard core Asanas or just Meditation or just Pranayama or just a form of exercise for physical fitness. This perception has to change to a larger extent even in India.
Just for convenience and outer Physical apperance, different combination of yoga and dance and other preliminary exercises are practised. Very few institutions teach Traditional Yoga in its fuller aspect of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health.

# Yoga, instead of way of living with Full Awareness of Self and It's Surroundings, is being taught and practised as mere business.

# I am grateful that Shri Narendra Modi has been instrumental in reviving our age-old Yoga and it's relevance today. I am happy that this recognition, has now gone one step further in formation of an Empanelment Body of Yoga professional, degree holders and experienced practitioners of True Yoga, so that Correct Yoga Education can be taught to people. I am optimistic that such active steps are being taken for streamlining Yoga Practices and the Basic purpose of having Yoga in everyone's lives will be served.

# It will be a great boon to mankind in his journey of unravelling his Self, The Existence and the importance of every being in this Path of Universal Truth and Harmony

I hope the above points are agreeable to all. I welcome critics too for my growth of knowledge in path of Yoga & it's Understanding...

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