Just hearing News on News Ayush Ministry did so and so for Corona Or Health Welfare issued Post Covid Guidelines with help of Ayurved and Yog. Then, news on Medical Governing Bodies giving approval to Ayurvedic doctors to do surgery, etc etc .
Indian Medicine has its deep roots thousands of years back in the texts of Ayurved like Charak Samhuta, Sushruta Samhita, Atharvaved, etc...
Be it Study of Ayurved, Teaching of Ayurved, Herbology of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine, Lifestyle Regimen, Do's & Don'ts, Science of One's Own Healthy Life, we can find detailed literature of the same in these scriptures.
Recently, due to Pandemic times, the Golden Period for Indian Medicine and Health has created its way through again amidst all Stress, Uncertainty and Hope.
It is great to know Indian Govt, And Followers of Traditional Indian Medicine of Ayurved come back to its own roots of Medicine for Solutions. However, it is disheartening to see the way the Whole Doctors' Fraternity Fighting like cats & dogs to preserve their Own right of Pathy and Procedures. On the Contrary, this is a great opportunity for Indian Medical Fraternity to come together and stand upright with its own Glorious Indian Medicine. Also, No Pathy is in cross to another. Thus, it is must, to understand to collaborate the Positives of all Pathy and can be utilised for the betterment of Society...
An Extension or advancement to on-going things can be termed as Modernised treatment or Medicine, but how can u take it as Main-stream Medicine Avenue?!!
And term one's country's Ancient, Time-tested Whole and Complete Science of Life as Just Another Alternative Medical Stream. This shows one's Ignorance or Ego towards the Self-attained Science by our own Rushi-Munis…
Therefore, it is important for all of us to admit that, Ayurved is A Complete Science of Life and not a mere Pathy...
It is a great move by Indian Govt to recognise and justify its own Medical Science of Life again. Also, it is our own respect to acknowledge the Detailed and Time tested Solutions mentioned in Ayurved. Just a few Years Born, Organising body, giving Huge Science of Life - Ayurved a Stamp to Practice, shows where we stand and treat our own Medical Science. However, we all should embrace such a Bold Step by Indian Govt and continue this Mission of bringing Our Indian Medicine - Ayurved on International Platform. It can serve a Ray of Hope for Healthy Life to not just Indian Citizens, but the Whole World….