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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Eye for an Eye !!!


Eye is an important part of the body to see. The light on the retina reflected, helps the brain to capture images through receptor nerves of the eye and the Optic nerve.

So basically, the health of Retina, optic nerve, Cornea, the balance of the eye's Fluid helps to maintain the health of one's eye.

Today, Medical Science has developed over the period, and been able to replace organs, give a new lease of life to the patient with good surgeries, treatment and organs transplants or artificial organs oarts in some parts of the body.

India has religious background, and on that context, people have become aware and opt for organ donation for betterment of someone else.

It is rampant in India in the wake of Advancements, Awareness and Eye Blindness, that people opt for booking eye donations in the eye Banks much before their death. It is religiously said to be a boon to donate body organs on death, so they can be helpful to mankind, evenafter their death...

So, Eye for eye is,on human grounds, such a viable option to justify your humanity towards society.

There are many Eye Banks available today, and you should be a part of this drive to book your Eye Donation or for that matter Body Organs Donations, for a better vision and Life to others.

And for that its also important, that you keep your own body health, so it can be helpful to others, even at the time of your death...

The reason to share this is, India has a rich Culture of Religion and Rendering help and servcie to society. Hope the World humans also get aware of such kindness and be of help to mankind....!!!

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