Over the period of time, Medical Science has discovered so many effective alternative therapies for treating the patient.
You may have heard of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sujok therapy, Neuro-therapy, Foot Reflexology, Needle Therapy, etc.
Marma points mean the body trigger points or the nerves.
There are many Exercises, Physio-therapies, that help maintain and keep your body healthy and fit.
However, man is definitely an intelligent Creation of Nature. He found out the ways and treatment procedure that can be more effective, if given on actual points of Pain or major to minor nerve endings or trigger points of feel, pain, heal.
The basic fundas of any Marma Therapy or therapies that work on Trigger points of the body are -
# Hand and Foot have lot of major and Minor Points that have effect to many parts of the body. When you locate those points and trigger it, it relives the pain in the respective part of the body.
# The body has fluids, nerve, its endings. When one locates the Marma Point of the body part that is in pain, the fluid gets balanced and the pain starts healing.
# The effective therapy can happen, if the therapist is well-versed with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human body.
# Since, a human body has five sensory organs too, it is important that one understand them thoroughly. Many Healing therapies of touch on the area of pain, sight to even a mere candle light flame, triggering ear points too, help to locate the Marma or Important points, that helps to treat and cure.
# Marma has many meanings, one of also being, the essence or the Sukshma. So, identifying the Sukshma, Important points helps to treat the disease faster than before, as it works on the fine point of pain in that particular body part.
Hence, find a good Marma Therapist or any good learned therpaist who is aware of your body and helps in curing...
It is my personal experience, Marma Therpy and also, the new form Neuro-therpay has given superb result in relieving from pain
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